Last night, I felt something crawling on me - a tiny little - TopicsExpress


Last night, I felt something crawling on me - a tiny little feather-like tickle. I spied a minuscule bug on the back of my hand. Swipe - that should do it. Bug crawled on. Swipe - a second time should kill it. Shocking that it didnt die the first time, silly baby gnat. Swipe - like Robocop, it recovered immediately. At that moment, I knew it was a tick with a hard shell. Upon closer inspection of my body, I pulled over 10 ticks off last night, each as tiny as the next, about half attached, and this mornings research says that they are nymph stage deer ticks. Further research on Lyme probabilities garnered this little gem: If not previously infected, the nymph may become infected if its host carries the Lyme disease spirochete from previous infectious tick bites. Let that sink in for a moment. Im the host. I can be giving these ticks Lyme disease if I still have it in my blood. Im horrified. I only thought about them giving it to me, not me giving it to babies who are feeding for the first time. What a way to start my Monday. And heeeeeeres your host, Cindy Brown!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:52:40 +0000

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