Last night, I had a very distinct dream where a young girl called - TopicsExpress


Last night, I had a very distinct dream where a young girl called Kristie Moon, about nine or ten years old, had gone missing. In the sense of having disappeared - disappeared properly, though, like aliens took her. Before then, she was very widely known throughout the world because she was so friendly and made friends so readily and conversed with people on their level so well, that she was an international celebrity. I was amused to find out when I awoke that there is in fact a famous case of someone named Kristie Moon having disappeared, although it has none of the other similarities to my dream except that the person in question is female and disappeared in the past around the same time. Oh, and in my dream, shed just re-appeared (and hadnt aged) and was on all the news channels and chat shows. So, we wait for today to finish and see if our own Kristie makes a reappearance. When she doesnt, we add this to the list of things that might have happened which we dreamt about, but didnt happen (a list too often not filled in and therefore seeming woefully lacking in comparison to the list of things we dreamt of and did happen - a list which is usually written up after the thing happens).
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:33:19 +0000

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