Last night I had a vision that I was standing in a court room, - TopicsExpress


Last night I had a vision that I was standing in a court room, facing one of my greatest fears. I proceeded to ask the creature known as judge where he derived his authority, he instantly blurted out that his power was derived from the state in such a manner that suggested that I was not permitted to ask such questions, but I knew otherwise, so I asked him with my hint of conviction, brother, why are you angry? with a deep gaze of a son, brother, and future father I asked, so then, where does the state derive its authority? and he said, from the people. So then, you derive your authority from those you claim to have authority over? Do you not work in the business of wagering freedoms on grounds of moral judgements? Why do you assume that the moral code that you subscribe to was deliberated by We, the people? Because I can prove that it wasnt. I can prove that your power is as fictional as the State itself, but that wont be necessary because you already know exactly what I am talking about. We all know that a crime has to have a victim, and from where I am standing, the only potential victims in this courtroom are the people who are being potentially kidnapped and tortured by your establishment on the grounds of moral authority, so I ask you, who is the victim of my alleged crime? The STATE? A privately owned corporation that is no more than a logo, a bunch of filing cabinets, and people in uniforms who claim to be under its dominion? Perhaps the banks are the victims? Who exactly claims to be violated by my choice to explore my consciousness and live in communion with the earth through my own processes, and in alignment with my own carefully developed moral integrity? You cannot produce a victim, and so I move for dismissal. Not because of your graciousness, but because you do not have authority over me. I hereby waive all benefits of citizenship in this courtroom. I hereby claim sovereign dominion of my soul, as a human being, a child of the earth. I denounce any claims by your establishment to hold power over me as a natural born citizen of the planet earth. I do not work for you, or the corporation that you represent. I am a free man, and I am a good man, with the moral obligation NOT to obey laws which I find to be unjust. So lets ask ourselves, honorable one. Are you acting in alignment with natural law? Are you operating in full moral integrity as a natural born human being of the earth? Let this be the beginning of a new era, where those in positions of power will also see through the fictional system that they are superimposing over our natural born human rights. You are a warrior for truth. I speak to the noble blood coursing through your veins that wants resolution and wants to be a vessel for peace and freedom for all. This is a victory for all of human kind. Join me in standing fearlessly before the sacred mirrors of our present surroundings, and those who claim dominion over them on behalf of corporate entities. We will not be pushed around by our confused brOthers who are on auto pilot. Its time for us to play offense in this game, and it starts with how you view yourself in relation to the beast. Is it a monster that you cannot defeat? Wrong. It is yOur creation, and you have the keys to open the floodgates that will ensure a rapid transgression from one paradigm to the next, we only ask that you choose to use them. You alone have the power to end all of this, but you are not alone. Join the revolution. Free your heart from the shackles of the past, speak your passion boldly, dance, sing, be hue-man! Listen to the sweet songs of others, be supportive, encouraging, uplifting, empathize. Realize you dont know what they are going through until you allow yourself to vulnerable enough to relate. Death will claim us all, but one never truly dies, so please do not fear that inevitable shift, instead let it drive you to fearlessness and LIVE!!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:16:17 +0000

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