Last night I heard..... THE WHOLE ECONOMY SHOULD BE THAT OF THE - TopicsExpress


Last night I heard..... THE WHOLE ECONOMY SHOULD BE THAT OF THE HIGHJACKING. LET THOSE AMONG US THAT FEAR, FIND FEAR AS A REPULSION OF ALL THAT IS TO COME. IT HAS BEGUN. FIND YOUR ANOINTING IN MY SON. I then saw this word QOPH but I was shone the word reading right to left, or backwards. Then I saw this word TULU. And lastly I heard APERAC VERSION. Now, after much research and googling :) this morning I believe I understand the message. So here goes....AS HUMANS we have fear over the known or unknown over which we feel we have no ability to control, handle, or bring to the result we wish. The desire to be rid of the fear creates within us a REPULSION. Fear is an inflation of the negative qualities and an inflation of self. It is created in the mind. Words, symbols, and emblems cause fear that have power ONLY when people give or assign them power. If you fear the power of a word, emblem, or symbol... You inject it with power over you. And then you are HOOKED! The picture of the eye over the pyramid HAS NO POWER! It is a lie!!! A CON! DO NOT LET FEAR HIGHJACK YOU! You can have an attraction or a repulsion to something or an indifference. When two objects attract there is love- as in another person. In other words you see yourself in that person or you see them AS YOUR OWN SELF. But if you attach yourself to that person for your own personal happiness and existence, there is death. Then fear becomes hidden within your love attachment and you will then be dependent on someone else for your joy. And the opposites control you. Love of body begets fear of death/ Love of money begats fear of losing that money/ Love of the opposite gender begets fear of losing that person ....And thus you project fear. Negativity. Our desire then becomes the need to be free of that fear and thus there is a need for REPULSION. Repulsion is the opposite emotion of fear! You must destroy how the mind tries to control you with illusions. Repulse the fear!!!! Keep hold of your mental rudder and steer around the rocks in your path for if you do not, you will be cast about with the current by every emotion. Understand this.,,LOVE AND FEAR CANNOT EXIST TOGETHER! WE MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN THEM OR BE....HIGHJACKED!!!! Look at our economy....Those that have the effrontery to try to subject us to their rules, those that call themselves our government, understand the human nature of fear and they use this basic fact to control us! TO HIGHJACK US. TO HIGHJACK OUR ECONOMY!!!! When we fear those in control, we have made them our god!!!! We must REPULSE FEAR!!!! This brings me to the words APERAC VERSION...aperac in Greek means virtue. It is the version by which we should live. To be called to the state of salvation out of darkness. idolatry, superstition, and ungodliness, and into the marvelous light or the [GOSPEL DISPENSATION] or APERAC version of virtues - those perfection of wisdom, justice, truth, and goodness of God that shines in the Christian dispensation, dispersed by God and reflected in a holy and useful life, being transformed into the image of God and walking as Christ himself walked..,REPULSING ALL ELSE. Next lets take a look at the word QOPH. This is a Hebrew word with the value number of 100. It depicts a sewing needle, SPECIFICALLY THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE!!! It is important to see why I saw this word backwards. The unthreading. If you allow fear to rule your heart, you unthread all that God is working in you. You negate his flow. You slip away from the eye of the needle without going through to the other side! And the last word. TULU. TULU is the oldest language in the Dravidian family. It was used to write Sanskrit. So that being said, it goes way way back. Tulu means - that which is connected by water. In essence tulu is THE LANGUAGE OF THE WATERS. Could this be a reference to The Living Water of God!!! From which all TRUTH FLOWS!!!! GOD SPEAKS and if you listen, YOU HEAR. And if you open your eyes YOU SEE. And you know that fear is an illusion that is hijacking your very existence. Drawing you further away from God...unraveling your very existence for without Him we are dry, parched, and returned to dust. You can fear...OR YOU CAN LOVE. It has begun. The time is NOW for you to decide. And fight for his perfect will within your mind by allowing his mind to wrap around things that your mind cannot!!! Give him control and LET HIM STEER and know that you only crash when you fear!!!! REPULSE THE FEAR WITH LOVE!! And flow within his TULU. His Living waters!!! Be a conduit and feel the power as Gods power flows to you and through you, charging you and all those you come in contact with. Find fear as a repulsion that catapults you straight through the eye of the needle! Or remain in bondage!!! Jesus came to set the captives free! Shout the JUBILEE! There is NO FEAR in love; but perfect love CASTETH OUT FEAR: because fear hath torment. He that feareth IS NOT made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 OUR ECONOMY SHOULD BE THAT OF THE HIGHJACKING. I wrestled with the word should. Maybe I heard could. But I know I did not. The bible tells us what will happen. I believe that this message is telling me what is about to happen! As Christians we know. When the economy falls, when the new world order begins, life as we know it will change. Can those in control of this world take our homes and even our lives? Yes they can take our worldly possessions, but they cannot take our heavenly promises. Unless we fear. Claim victory in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ! And stand tall! Death is an illusion but fear can make it a reality. Choose the virtues of Christ and follow him home!!! Last week I heard in spirit.., I took dispensations. Now I know what that means. Thank you Jesus! The question remains.... WILL YOU BE HIGHJACKED BY FEAR?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 16:25:56 +0000

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