Last night I noticed that someone I thought was a friend - TopicsExpress


Last night I noticed that someone I thought was a friend unfriended me for no apparent reason. No we didnt argue about politics, sports, religion or anything personal. All of a sudden I was just unfriended although we still have a bunch of friends in common. This friend was someone I knew for years, not someone I met on line but someone I actually use to hang out with years ago. I am not hurt but mostly disappointed that if this person had a problem with me and he didnt have the nerve to be man enough and speak up. I believe real friends should talk with one another, not talk about each other. If in some way I have offended you, than just let me know. I feel sometimes that here on Facebook some people still have that High School mentality and still act childish, theyd rather listen to gossip than form their own opinions. They find it easier to pull the plug on someone rather than confront them. There are others who are so jealous of you that they begin smear campaigns writing letters and spreading lies . Some will even go as far as to open a Facebook account with your name and photo ID, hack your account and write hateful letters to friends claiming its you. The funny thing is this person did not block me, I guess he still wants to read anything I post public. Well read this if you have received any nasty letter it wasnt from me, also know this if you unfriended me and did not bother to let me know why, then you truly are no friend of mine. In my life I want people who can be honest and upfront, not people who will drop you in a hot flash. Life is too short to have losers in ones life. I want people with backbones who are honorable. I want people I can trust and will not be as flakey as a pie crust. I realize that on Facebook the term friend is used too loosely. When I friend someone I expect them to be just that a Friend. To all my friends thank you for reading this and if you really need to talk with me email me at Dannygarcia10@aol.. Cheers and have a beautiful day !! I know I will !!!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 13:07:03 +0000

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