Last night I was asked to perform at yet another future comedy - TopicsExpress


Last night I was asked to perform at yet another future comedy venue. I thanked the person that asked me, but I told them the truth up front. Rarely do any family members or friends of mine come see me perform like they once did at the beginning...a year and a half ago when I started comedy....although there are a select few that will pop in locally when I perform in my neck of the woods and they know who they are and thank you for that...I really mean it!! Look I love Stand up comedy and want a stage each and every single night, but if you are looking to make money off me for your bringer shows...its just not going to happen and thats just the way it is. To me personally in my experience doing comedy, if you can make a room full of, half full of or even just two people (and yes that has happened I have performed in front of just two people I didnt know)...that are absolutley complete strangers and make them laugh...without those there that know you to support you,... then that is a true caliber to measure of where you are at in doing Stand up comedy and believe me its nothing against you nor am I jealous that you are fortunate to have all that support, but I never want anything given to philosophy is the harder something is the better! Bottom line I am flattered to be asked to perform, but once again if you are asking me to perform so you can make money off of me and my people for your bringer show, because you...who have been doing comedy for whatever amount of years and your name cant fill a is NOT going to happen with me so just move right on to the next person. Look we all have a dream of making it big someday and dont ever listen to the Debbie Downers who say your not funny, your jokes suck, you will never make it etc...etc... etc I have heard it all and will continue to do so (but in a weird way I like hearing that for I thrive on it).... and watch those people that I mention that dont come see me perform...will be the same exact people blowing up my phone and emails acting like my bff when it happens saying I told you so...looking for freeness of life and I say lol to that, because I wont answer....te he ha ha! Thanks and Have a great funny day Manny Erias-Comedian P.S; When I die you can only come to my funeral if bring 6-8 people each in their own it looks like I knew a lot of people when you follow behind me on the way to the cemetery. #beALeaderNotAFollower
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:52:59 +0000

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