Last night I watched the Frontline documentary Losing Iraq , - TopicsExpress


Last night I watched the Frontline documentary Losing Iraq , heavy. Of course it`s all old news, I mean I lived it everyday on TV, lived through Vietnam the same way, day after day as the body count ticked away, tick, tick, tick, tick. Sometimes it works, sometimes old worn out news can be packaged and then presented in a way that is successful in regards to summing up or condensing a long, painful, drawn out event in a comprehensive and all encompassing light. Nothing good came from that particular war and I`m not sure anything good came from me watching it transpire in a condensed way on TV. The effects on me were understandably not of the good type at all, as a headache, elevated blood pressure, shame and embarrassment were the side effects de jour. I think the only real winners were entities like Blackwater, Halliburton and Lockheed Martin just to name a very few. The Iraq war was Bush`s war, was his mistake, his family or personal vendetta for Saddam`s failed assassination attempt on his father H.W. while on a visit to Kuwait during the first Gulf War. All the money and blood spilled, all the death and destruction, all the damage to the US`s already tainted reputation when it comes to foreign policy affairs rests on his shoulders and his alone. He may think he`s washed his hands of it, he may even feel that we all have, but oh how very wrong that assumption would be, is. Now all`s we can do is sit back and wait for the ISIS storm to develop and reach our shores. Just wanted to throw in a bit of sarcasm and say thanks a lot G. W. That mission accomplished photo op, how`s that working out for you, or more importantly, us ?
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:07:02 +0000

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