Last night I watched the tree in our front yard release so many - TopicsExpress


Last night I watched the tree in our front yard release so many leaves. I begin to think about how every year at this time I begin to really feel the loss of loved ones and ponder even harder about the future of my loved ones. I sat there and talked to God about my worries about my children. How my daughter was at that moment moving into her new apartment with friends, and the worries that flood me surrounding me with stress. Then God spoke to me...he said, that tree in front of you is just like you and that leaf is just like your daughter. The tree grew the leaf and held on for a season. It nourished and provided the leaf with a place to dwell and grow. But like all things...we change. And a time comes when you have to let go of the leaf and let it fly. The leaf doesnt die. It simply changes. By releasing the leaf the leaf can now find a new journey and a new destination. A Mother must do the same for her children. Not just for the leaf, but for the tree. Now the tree can rest some, and prepare for her new adventure. Its the process of life. My children are growing up. Its hard to know that that season of them being small and so needful of my love and attention is dwindling. But they will still come home from time to time and need for in a different way. My life has been so much about taking care of them, and now my life is changing into taking care of me. It doesnt make me selfish, it makes me being responsible enough to understand that I am important as well. And I cant love them and be strong for them if I am not strong for myself.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:30:26 +0000

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