Last night, after being scolded by my liberal friend about - TopicsExpress


Last night, after being scolded by my liberal friend about comparing Obama to Hitler, I had a real hard time sleeping. I was thinking how we look at the events in Nazi Germany through the eyes of an American from the future that knows how it all turns out. Not through the eyes of Joe German of the 30’s who was actually living through these events. The Nazi party came to full power after the False Flag event called the Reichstag Fire (Speaking of consperacy stuff), which placed the blame on their oponents, the Comunists. Adolph Hitler, who was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany four weeks before, on 30 January 1933, urged President Paul von Hindenburg to pass an emergency decree to counter the "ruthless confrontation of the Communist Party of Germany”. With civil liberties suspended, the government instituted mass arrests of Communists, including all of the Communist parliamentary delegates. But to Joe German, Hitler and the Nazi’s appeared to be a God Send. All of the sudden there was low to no un-employment; every one had food, a place to live and probably free health care. Life was great and to the average Joe, Hitler was a Hero who could do no wrong and they backed him in all that he proposed to include the invasion of sovereign nations because, hey they where the best nation in the world, just ask the Furor “Hail Hitler”! As this was happening I am sure there was a minority that was trying to raise a Red Flag against the Nazi Party claiming that there was an evil intent behind all of this. You know that Joe German was accusing this minority of being un-patriotic, traitors and perhaps even terrorists. You can also bet that this minority was silenced in the name of protecting the Father Land (can you say Homeland Security?). Now the future us would look at this situation and be in support of that minority wouldn’t we? I wonder how the future us will look back on the 20 teens and our present political state? I guess we will just have to wait and see ;-) I hope I can sleep better tonight! Dave Wadsworth Darryl Aday Matthew J Kettlewell
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 02:34:21 +0000

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