Last night after dropping a friend off at home on the 110 I saw -- - TopicsExpress


Last night after dropping a friend off at home on the 110 I saw -- on the other side of the median -- a protest happening. A massive group of people blocking what is one of L.A.s busiest freeways. I didnt know what was going on then, but what should have taken 40 minutes round trip that time of night, took 2 hours -- plenty of time to reflect on the situation once I knew what it was. I saw more SWAT and police cars in 10 minutes than Id see in 10 years. People running. Helicopters swarming. Sirens blaring. For 15 seconds I thought, This is gonna be a good movie! So real. But it wasnt a movie and it WAS real. Its my city. My country. My world. Corey Wright has never been a black power or down with the man kinda of person. Even though I have experienced unfair treatment because of the color of my skin. In fact, the whole of me wants to crawl into a ball and stick my fingers in my ears and start singing Mary Had A Little Lamb. But I cant. And neither can you. Not because Im black (and some other stuff). Not because youre white (and some other stuff). But because were both. effing. human. And its so baffling to me that a little pigmentation and facial structure draws a divide between everyone on this globe. Yeah, I sound so naive right now, but Im not. I know the history. But...I cant get angry because my heart breaks. It cracks right in two... for the mothers and fathers that have to bury their children AND for the person who committed the matter what his motivation was. Its the same thing that makes my heart go out to the rapist. The child molester. The thief. The person who cuts me off in traffic. My brothers murder. Our races -- and Im talking to the whole world -- have become a ball-and-chain instead of a gift. No. We shouldnt be colorblind. We should still see color, but only to know that there are differences and embrace them. I guess I just dont understand how hate on any level so freely tumbles around the streets. We litter this gift of a life with euthanized truths and fight anger with anger and bitter with bitter and in our wake we create crippled, disassembled futures from what could have been cures for cancer or great world leaders. Im not judging anyone. I guess Im just speaking my heart. This is rhetorical, but why do things have to be this way?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:12:14 +0000

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