Last night, along with other House Democrats, I met with President - TopicsExpress


Last night, along with other House Democrats, I met with President Obama and voiced continued support for a clean CR and debt ceiling increase and thus negotiations on spending priorities for all of next year. I have also joined the Massachusetts delegation in calling on Speaker Boehner to support a debit limit without conditions attached to avoid the risk of default. Our democratic system is at risk if any political party can leverage a government shutdown or jeopardize our country’s full faith and credit if they do not get their policy objectives. The American people do not want that, and our country’s economy and the world’s financial stability cannot sustain it. We have been waiting many months for Republicans to accept a conference to resolve the differences between the House and the Senate budgets. As House Republicans head into discussions with President Obama, I urge them to expeditiously act to re-open the government and raise the debt limit.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 18:07:40 +0000

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