Last night, at 8:45 pm, by the JKT Mlalakuwa Bailey Bridge, as I - TopicsExpress


Last night, at 8:45 pm, by the JKT Mlalakuwa Bailey Bridge, as I was slowing down to cross the bridge, while trying to reply to a text message, a thief - SCUMBAG REALLY! - came and grabbed the phone from my hands and ran away! I shouted THIEF! HELP! but didnt stop. I went directly to the KAWE Police Station and filed a report. Then I went to the petrol station that was adjacent to the Police station and bought 3 litres of petroleum fuel. There is a purpose for the fuel. I returned to the JKT Headquarters and stopped at the main gate where I told the officers on guard duty about the incident. I believe they are aware of these people who are a menace to society. They told me to return home (well it was late and dark and not safe for me to confront those crooks on my own) because they promised to take care of the matter. I have decided to go on a warpath with these cellphone thieves. Last December they stole my HTC Desire HD from my car, I had fallen asleep in my car (Toyota Noah) and I had forgiven them. WELL! THAT FORGIVENESS IS NOW RESCINDED! I will NO LONGER FORGIVE THESE CROOKS and I am sorry, JESUS, MY LORD, MY SAVIOR, YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO FORGIVE ME! FOR YEARS we have been victimised by these people. So many phones of mine have been stolen by these crooks! Last August, a Samsung Galaxy Pocket Duos was stolen from me, while I was out eating at a pub. I didnt take note of it. But then in December 2013 they stole from me AGAIN! I got CRAZY MAD and drobe like a MAD MAN on my way home. When the anger had subsided I decided to forgive them. HECK! I decided to start a CSR campaign to get these misguided, lost young men real jobs so that they wouldnt steal. But when you have the DEVIL WITH YOU, how do you know patience? I am OFFICIALLY AT WAR with CELL PHONE THIEVES, so this is MY FIRST AND LAST WARNING yo all you cell phone thieves in Tanzania (ALL OF IT). IF YOU HAVE STOLEN a cellular phone handset from someone and GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT, consider yourself LUCKY! 1. We will organise ourselves into a Citizens Action Group, with the name VIJANA VITANI DHIDI YA WIZI WA SIMU ZA MNONONI. This will be a very well coordinated group. We will be on the lookout for people with suspicieous behavior. The minute we sense you are UP TO NO GOOD, we will ARREST YOU (Citizens Arrest( and put you in OUR CUSTODY! You will be quizzed UNTIL we are satisfied. If you fail to correctly and sufficiently ANSWER our questions, we will first mete out our own version of punitive action and then hand you over to the police with our full report. It wont matter whether you will have stolen or not stolen a phone, The fact that YOU HAVE ILL INTENTIONS makes you a potential cell phone thief, or a thief of any other property. AND THAT MAKES YOU A MENACE TO SOCIETY! We will NOT tolerate such behavior in our society! 2. We will have a 24 Hour Action Response Team, which will receive calls of all cell phone thefts in Dar es Salaam. Being organised in all the suburbs of Dar es Salaam will make us achieve our goals. Once a report has been filed, immediate action will be to round up ALL THE JOBLESS YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE AREA and quiz them ONE BY ONE! Among them the thief or thieves of cell phones - not only the reported one but also the unreported ones - will be found, therefore, proper legal action will be taken, This is my advice to the young people in ALL AREAS of Dar es Salaam, who say that there are no jobs for them to do. THAT IS A LIE! A VICIOUS LIE and you know it is the truth. You believe just because you got a Western-style education, you deserve desk-job employment! WRONG! MAKE YOUR OWN JOB! Your minds are IDLE and ROTTEN (so sad) because you have refused to use them. There are so many things you CAN DO that dont really require any investment on your part. You can write books and sell them and get money. You can write articles for newspapers OR EVEN start your own local newspaper and publish it (there is strength in numbers). You can start farming projects, as group, and grow vegetables and other vegetables that are commonly grown as fruits, such as Water Melons. THERE IS SO MUCH YOU CAN DO THAT WILL MAKE YOU MONEY. BUT YOU REFUSE TO DO SO! What a shame! So you take the easy way out. You steal from people. You steal from women and from young women, You steal from men and from young men, You steal in peoples homes and you steal in peoples cars. YOU WAIT AND STEAL FROM MOVING CARS just like you did from ME, while I was driving. The fact that I slowed down at that JKT Mlalakuwa Bailey Bridge in Mikocheni last night made it easy for you to grab my phone (just a measly TECNO but you DONT CARE that you have robbed me of my property, and worse, my contacts!) and ran away! WELL! I SAY YOU WILL STEAL FROM ME NO MORE! There is a lot more that I have planned in my WAR against you. I will organise for the Youth Task Forces ALL OVER Tanzania. We will virtually make it IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to steal from anyone because we will always be on the lookout for people like you. We will be VIGILANTES because the law says when the LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES fail to do their job, WE WILL DO OURS! The Tanzania Police Force is a law enforcement agency; the officers are sworn to protect the lives and property of Tanzanians and residents to Tanzania alike. BUT THEY DONT really. The detectives dont investigate criminal cases; they prefer to get their EVIDENCE which doesnt really stand in court, by arresting and beating up innocent people. As by the Rules of Evidence, any evidence obtained under duress is null and void. We will quietly grill all of you JOBLESS shitheads! If you dont have a job, GET OUT OF TOWN! Because we are coming for your ass and we are gonna haul you out of town because NOBODY STOPS YOU from creating your own job! CAPITAL? Heck! The BEST MILLIONNAIRES started with no capital! What the hell are you talking about? I DECLARE, from now on, A HOLY WAR with CRIMINALS, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, SO HELP ME GOD! If you know someone WHO IS a criminal, you protect them, YOU become an accomplice; a CRIMINAL, too! If you know someone who STEALS on a regular basis, you protect them, you become an accomplice, a CRIMINAL too! If you ever BUY something that you know or suspect to be stolen, you become an accomplice in the crime; a CRIMINAL too, you become. Cellular phones would not be stolen if there werent STUPID BUYERS like you! We have decided, as part of our Youth Action Group, to create an Equipment Identification Register (EIR). So, as a preventive measure, we WILL be registering IMEIS of all mobile phones in our areas, from people who have bought them legally, and we will be issuing the registrants with IMEI registration cards. Our Youth Action Group Special Task Force Members will have the right to STOP ANYONE on the street or anywhere, and demand the IMEI Registration Card from them. If anyone will not have one THEIR HANDSET WILL BE CONFISCATED until they have provided us sufficient PROF OF PURCHASE. This means that, if you FAIL to register your IMEI with us, you will become a potential suspect, and we WILL take action against you! TRUST ME! THIS IS NOT A JOKE! This is a very serious matter! TCRA HAVE REFUSED to implement the CEIR as required by law; we are setting up our own EIR! I have written enough for today, but this doesnt stop here. I will knock on the doors of ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA organisations and demand to be heard so that you all know that Paul Francis Mongi The EMPOWERED has officially DECLARED WAR on ALL CELL PHONE THIEVES! I WILL SHOW YOU NO MERCY! BECAUSE YOU SHOWED ME NONE! If you want MERCY, REPENT NOW, before I come and get you!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:12:29 +0000

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