Last night at Hope Lane, for the first time in over a month of - TopicsExpress


Last night at Hope Lane, for the first time in over a month of meetings with or without my bro, Brent Kelly, no one was fully slain in the Spirit. A few got wobbly during prayer (haha), but otherwise the decks remained clear. There were, however, a remarkable number of words of knowledge, emotional, and physical healings! We worshiped a bit, then I brought some Word on firmly establishing His truths in our hearts, so that in maturity the enemy would be unable to steal what His Spirit does pour out. Joey Kosma then had a word of knowledge involving necks and ears, which ended up applying to 3-4 individuals. We literally watched a first-time visitors neck go from severe and painful stiffness to complete, pain-free mobility. Another ladys arm grew out about an inch and she was immediately able to move her upper body in ways she hadnt in a LONG time. There was also a word of knowledge given about her carrying guilt, which she at first denied, but later said, actually, I do carry guilt - lots of it, all of the time. She received additional prayer and her body then loosened up even more. In other words, she came walking like a rusty tin-man, but left like Gumby? Lol Another had a word for a lady that shed once again be twirling in her kitchen, dancing and worshipping the Lord. She was so touched, looked up with tears in her eyes and said, I used to do exactly that, specifically in my kitchen, before I fell away! Still, another received a prophecy from Lydia Imhoff that shed no longer be as Martha (from the story of Martha and Mary), but would have a heart of rest in the Lord. She told Lydia afterwards that within an hour of coming to the meeting she was telling her daughter that shed recently been feeling like Martha. A deaf ear was prayed over for a while, and he regained some ability to hear - though not all yet. Were standing with him believing for 100%. (Take note: If you dont receive it all at once, keep knocking!) The Holy Spirit spoke many other specific prophetic words to strangers that encouraged them. All who were willing were used! All in all, the Spirit once again glorified Jesus as He revealed the Fathers heart. These are special days both in terms of ministering to the needs of others and training us in every facet of walking in the Spirit. Still, we want more! Until we at least have the level of results Jesus did, we know that request is valid!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 09:29:15 +0000

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