Last night it was just a simple filling meal of sloppy joes for - TopicsExpress


Last night it was just a simple filling meal of sloppy joes for those 45+ men and women who joined me for the Thursday night edition of Street Reach for the Homeless “Dinner and Duds” and from the looks of it (that being empty pans)… all were filled. Started with a much smaller group than usual but as the night progressed (and even well after the last call for “firsts”) the line simply grew….and grew….and grew. I was greeted, as I first stepped out of the van, by a young gal who has joined me (on and off) over the past year. Have watched her work to stabilize and restore her life to a life she once knew, return to school this past fall as she realized an education was important if life was going to change and now ….. drumroll please….watch and listen to her excitement as she shared news of a j-o-b!!! She was proud. I was proud of her. A long slow trek – from spring of 2014, when discussions first began, to now a bright and optimistic start for 2015. Hope restored….dreams rebuilt! God is good!! Next surprise of the evening was looking up to see one of the tenants from the Courtyard and friend. News to share, smiles to exchange, conversation to be had and then the Mom in me kicked in and said “how did you get here” (mind you, from Home and Fairfield). “Walked” was the reply. In the past 30 days it had been said to me “you have no idea how far someone will walk for food” when discussing those at the Courtyard and what was deemed a suitable plan for those who were hungry. While I will not debate the essence (and insanity) of that statement here….I will now add….not only DO I know how far someone will walk for food….I now, also, know how far someone will walk for love….will walk for caring….will walk to find an old friend…..sigh and much love. Every person, last night, received a hearty sloppy joe on hamburger bun and a serving of creamy mac n cheese. From there, each selected their favorite bag of a variety of chips and then any two of the three sides offered – 8 pounds of tator tots (will wait to serve those again once another 20 some degrees are added to the temp – epic fail), 5 pounds of potato salad and green bean casserole. Dessert was an assortment of individually wrapped snack crackers (from a donation picked up from Kelley Beasley and Jon Beasley/Party with a Purpose), to which I added, individual packages of cookies, rice krispie treats and/or a salty sweet trail mix blend. Beverages included 3 two liters of name brand soda, a gallon of chocolate milk, fruit punch and Sunny D. There was a usual large bowl of handwarmers on the “buffet” for anyone needing and only 3 pairs out of 60+ remained at the end of the evening which was perfect because the very last young man to appear well after all had been loaded back into the van, at the end of the evening, had come in search of a few pairs. Started the line at the van with a new gent who, while wearing a Carhart coat, was still cold and asking for another coat. Fitted him with an XL to wear right over the Carhart as I know without it he is toast and then proceeded to the back of the van for one of the three sleeping bags handed out. Several new faces (including his) …. sigh……but all received what was needed. So by evening’s end – 3 sleeping bags, 6 comforters, 5 blankets, 3 2X fleece pullovers just picked up in a recent donation, 1 winter coat, 2 pairs of sweat pants, multiple pairs of gloves, socks and sternos. Another night. Another chance for just moments of human connection with these men and women who share their lives …. their very existence with me….week after week….and, in some cases, year after year. That human connection that is often more powerful …more filling than the meal served….the plate that is filled. A human connection that brings one gal down to share her news and has another walking over 2 miles in the darkness of the night to see an old friend. A human connection that has one of the “original 5” just stopping by to say “hi” and check on things. A human connection that welcomes a new face because an “old” face said …. where to go … and when to go .... for a helping hand and a non judgmental heart and often comforting words. I am blessed. I am honored!! I am honored to call each of these men and women ….. friends and family and know that each of you who supports my mission is but another welcome part of that family. God bless.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:02:56 +0000

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