Last night listening to Ryan Adams play Bob Moulds Black Sheets of - TopicsExpress


Last night listening to Ryan Adams play Bob Moulds Black Sheets of Rain really got to me, especially these lines, Where were you in my darkest hour of need? Where will you be? To hear that from Ryan (Sun in Scorpio,) brought a different intensity and anguish to it. I started to cry, and I did for a long time. My best friend left my life last year two months before GB passed, with no explanation. Im sure she had her reasons, but none of them Im sure would make much sense to me. They say you have to dig deep in times like this, and in the past six months I most certainly have. Ive also shared the observation that death makes some people pretty crazy, and I still stand by that assertion. I am also grateful to the people that didnt jump ship when the going was no longer pretty or fun. I realized today that I wouldnt wish some of these things Ive felt or experienced in the past year on my worst enemy. Also, I truly know what it means to be without a friend and the familiar feeling of being on your own. In my journey of healing and recovery it is my strong intention to be a friend to all, as best I can. So mote it be.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 02:46:55 +0000

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