Last night on our way home from work, Marley had to use the - TopicsExpress


Last night on our way home from work, Marley had to use the bathroom extremely I decided to take a different route than usual. This short cut would take me through a winding street in a residential neighborhood where I came up on a stop sign. I failed to come to an immediate stop, and was promptly pulled over by Roswell PD. Marley noticed the blue lights and became worried. As I attempted to calm her, I noticed the officer approaching in a “ready stance”. Here I was…in an unfamiliar neighborhood at dusk with a frantic two-year-old soaked in urine. (She’s in the early to mid stages of potty-training) I detected that the approaching officer was most likely as nervous as I was, so I decided to place my hands visibly out of my window. Officer: “I’m Officer McDonald of the Roswell Police Department. Do you know why I stopped you?” Me: “Yes…because I failed to come to a complete stop at that stop sign.” Officer: “Can I see your driver’s license?” Me: “Yes. I keep it in my wallet under my seat. Is it Ok for me to get it?” Officer: (Guardedly replies) “Yes.” I slowly reach down for my wallet and (with both hands back in sight of the officer) handed him my ID. “Please don’t exit your vehicle”, instructed the officer as he backs towards his patrol car. In a calm voice, I began to explain the pending situation to Marley in hopes of calming her anxiety. “Daddy was rushing to get home and I didn’t stop at that stop sign. The policeman is checking to make sure that everything’s Ok.” This seemed to have worked, because she looked less tensed. “You have to stop Daddy!”…She yelled as the officer returned to my vehicle. Officer: “I appreciate your honesty, so I’m not going to cite you Mr. Estime.” Me: “Thank you officer!” Officer: “You enjoy the rest of your evening!” See…my brief encounter with law enforcement last night ended without incident. I was able to assess the situation, follow commands and prevent myself (and Marley) from getting hurt. This officer performed his job both professionally and respectfully. He, along with the majority of officers, should be commended for the (often) thankless work they do protecting us everyday. (I can’t think of too many jobs more terrifying than performing a traffic stop) This dashcam video of a South Carolina state trooper SHOOTING AN UNARMED MAN is appalling! Thankfully, the entire incident was captured on video and even more thankful that Mr. Jones was not fatally shot! I can only hope that once he recovers from his wounds, he will be properly compensated for the pain and suffering caused by the actions of this itchy-finger state trooper. This video is quite shocking:
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:28:29 +0000

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