Last night three things pissed me OFF! Yesterday was just a sucky - TopicsExpress


Last night three things pissed me OFF! Yesterday was just a sucky day for me. So the first thing that made me feel some type a way was a phone call. I was doing a Follow-Up with Fox 4 News regarding them doing a segment for the petition and Bold Lips. I was told maam I understand that this is important but I have to be 100% honest. Im sure youre aware whats big in the news right now. I replied let me guess, Ebola? He quickly replied yes! Right not thats whats important and what the public wants to hear which lead me to say I understand that but Im just being Im just asking for yall to mention it and share the link. Again he said I understand and have family with the trait but Im being transparent with you, maybe try again Monday. That upset me because although Ebola is a big deal at the moment, Sickle Cell has BEEN a big deal to those affected with it. Now the second thing that ticked me off was something a Respiratory Tech asked me. As she was checking my oxygen she very sarcastically asked me do you smoke? Naturally I said no. So she then asked in the same tone oh so you were JUST having problems breathing when you first got here huh? I told her yes. She followed by asking do you know why? At that point is when I was getting frustrated. I said because I have Sickle Cell and thats a common symptom also these heavy pain meds decrease your oxygen level! With a little smirk she then said oh ok I see. I ended the conversation by saying as a person with sickle cell it wouldnt be in my best interest to smoke and my lungs are bad enough without smoking. I think she then could sense by my tone that she had rubbed me the wrong way. So before leaving she says Im sorry. I hope you get to feeling better. It may have been petty of me but I did NOT say thank you! I feel she was way out of line for that. Now the last thing to upset me was when it was time to have my blood drawn. The phlebotomist first went to the bend of my arm. I told her thats not a good spot for me. So she asked me where the best place to stick you? I told her my wrist. She then moved the tourniquet down closer to my wrist and began looking around. I told her the specific place and she told me well I dont want to stick there because its really sensitive and I can tell its been used a lot. Once she found a spot I realized it was also a sensitive spot. She decided to stick me in the palm near the thumb. Like where the skin of my palm and my brown skin meet. When I tell you it hurt like HELL please believe me. I told her this spot is just as sensitive! Her reply was well this whole region is pretty sensitive, just take some deep breathes. Which I did but it did not help. She continued to say say keep deep breathing. Finally I told her this hurt WAY more than my wrist!!!! I could tell she felt bad but I really didnt care. She shouldve just listened. So Im now left with a bruise where she drew my blood. I just hate when I have nights like this. Im sure it wouldnt have bothered me as much if I wasnt already feeling down. But today is a new day and Im feeling better. I just had to vent and share this so I could get over it.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:03:21 +0000

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