Last night was a much needed message straight from the heart on - TopicsExpress


Last night was a much needed message straight from the heart on what God was saying to all churches and Christians everywhere today. It is about the world element that we all fight as Christians and churches because it is filtering into our churches. 1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: it is this growth in maturity that will stop the worldly element from hindering you. That element that hinders is different for everyone; it is an individual thing we all have to fight because it poses a temptation that could lead to sin so there is no need to throw stones at others. For so many it is the tongue, that little member that is so hard to tame and put under control. The world will try and put a yoke of bondage on a child of God but get a bridle on it and let Satan know it will not control you. It doesn’t matter young or old, rich or poor Satan is not selective he wants them all and tries to trap all. We need to ask the Lord in earnest to shine a spotlight on us to show us anything that hinders us, anything he sees that is unpleasing to him. If we are honest with God there will be things he shows us he wants us to change and we will not like it, it will war against our flesh but it must be put under the blood and not controls our lives. A little thing opens the door to bigger things, remember the old commercials about a salesman gaining entrance by just his toes or foot in the door forcing it open more that is what temptation does, if it can get in our thoughts it keeps pushing to become reality and sin. Think about a Python snake, it can’t bite us it will never kill you with a bite it has no fangs but it can and will coil around your slowly squeezing the life out of you. That is what the world does, its bite is not deadly but it slowly creeps in and with each thing that enters it is slowly squeezing the life out of you. What you may be doing, saying or places you may be going may be innocent and not listed as a sin in the Bible but God knows your individual limits on what you can take without falling into temptation and sin so he tries to protect you by saying no I don’t want this in your life. We need to once again get sensitive to what the Holy Ghost says to us. We need to get rid of the baggage that the world loads on us and we try to carry around. Are you in the church and feel like the preacher is preaching directly to you or in a conversation with other brethren and something they say makes you think they are judging you, better ask yourself what makes you feel that way. Consider what made Marys actions more pleasing to Jesus than Martha when He was at their home. She knew what was most important while Martha was distracted over many things (Luke 10:38-42). God must be obeyed in the written and the spoken word he give to you because he deals with each of us personally and knows what will hinder us and when we find ourselves arguing about something that we do that is not wrong then it’s a sure bet it is wrong for us or we would not feel the need to argue and make our point. Some things that are prideful to us would not bother someone else who does it, we have only one chance to get to heaven and we sure don’t want to miss it because of one little thing we don’t see as wrong. Compared to all the Babylonian riches the little big Achan took did not seem like a lot but it cost them the victory in battle and ended up costing the life of he and his family. We live in the television, video game, computer age. For many hours are spent every day in front of a screen at home and now, even as we are driving around town. The goal is to be entertained. While such media can be good, and in reality they are a blessing, often they become the primary reason why we don’t grow spiritually. We spend so much time being entertained that we have little time left to study God’s word, pray and visit those who need edification. Also, because of the intensity of entertainment they offer, it can make worship, prayer and bible study boring. Often times when one observes a failure to grow in others or in one’s own life, he becomes discouraged. When things don’t progress as quickly as he would like, he can become frustrated and tempted to give up. Obviously, as long as this attitude is present, growth will not be.(The Sower) It is the stony ground. Matthew 13:20-21 says, “But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. We live in the television, video game, computer age. For many hours are spent every day in front of a screen at home and now, even as we are driving around town. The goal is to be entertained. While such media can be good, and in reality they are a blessing, often they become the primary reason why we don’t grow spiritually. We spend so much time being entertained that we have little time left to study God’s word, pray and visit those who need edification. Also, because of the intensity of entertainment they offer, it can make worship, prayer and bible study boring. ”It is not your life and what others think is not important, you are responsible as a child of God for how you influence others, it is bad enough for you to miss heaven but for them to miss it because you said it’s okay even if just by your lifestyle would be terrible, it might be your spouse, your child or your best friend.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 19:31:43 +0000

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