Last night was not a fun night! Her Muttness hid in her favorite - TopicsExpress


Last night was not a fun night! Her Muttness hid in her favorite spot between the living room and kitchen. I thought she wanted to stay inside last night, so I went to bed. WRONG!!! She waited until I climbed into my bed, and she barked to go outside. It was tempting to thump her butt on her way out, but I didnt!! I had strange dreams again last night! Theyre the kind of dreams I had when I used Chantix! They arent nightmares, but they dont make sense. The last dream I remember was I was riding a tricycle from Valley High to Furnace Creek Road, where I used to live. Valley had a huge parking lot in a field to the right of the school (the actual lot is behind the school), and there was a completely separate building to the left of the school (not the new elementary buildings). As usual, everything was familiar but different. I dont feel tired this morning, so I must have slept last night! It felt colder this morning than it has so far! I dont think it frosted, but it was close. I mowed the new grass in my backyard yesterday, and I dont want frost to kill it. Carol and I burned all our brush, and the coals are still smoking this morning. Were going to use shovels to put the ashes in the gully behind the back section of my lawn, and then were going to walk across our lawns to make sure weve trimmed shrubs EXACTLY the way we want them. We still have one shrub to trim at Pearls, but that brush will be the basis for our weinie fire later next week. Im taking Mill Dew for our walk this morning, and I hope I dont freeze off my butt! You know, the butt I dont have?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 13:16:16 +0000

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