Last night was so awesome. Nathan was baptized by Bryan, and - TopicsExpress


Last night was so awesome. Nathan was baptized by Bryan, and several of our friends and family members were able to come and be with us for the event. It was a memory engrained on my heart forever, as was the night before. Nathan and I had curled up together for our Bible reading and then had a precious conversation about his desire to get baptized. It was so wonderful to listen to his heart and get to read Scriptures and pray with him and Bryan. Nathan was certain that it was time for him to put on Christ in baptism. The following night, it was indescribable to watch Bryan speak a quiet blessing over our son and then to immerse him in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Nathan was filled with such peace afterwards, and I just continue to marvel at the beauty of the plan of God in reconciling His people to Himself and offering unconditional love and forgiveness to us all despite our shortcomings, our limited understanding and our selfish human nature. We get to be clothed in Christ and named children of the one true King. Whatever could we possibly do to deserve such grace and kindness? Thats the best part- we cant ever deserve it or earn it. But we can bask in it and share the love of Christ in how we treat others and how we make our everyday choices throughout our lives. Thank you, God, for the everyday conversations Youve allowed us with our children through the hardships of this illness over the past 6 years. Thank you for the incredible influences of such awesome people all around us and for the realness they show of lives transformed by grace. You are infinitely good to us and deserving of all our praise. Thank you for continually forgiving our sin through the blood of Christ and for the peace, joy, and hope we have through Him. Amen and amen!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 05:26:20 +0000

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