Last night while out running errands my 8yo daughter decided spur - TopicsExpress


Last night while out running errands my 8yo daughter decided spur of the moment to get her ears pierced. I had a party to get to and one hundred things to do, but I stopped. And listened. And was present for that moment when she was showing her brave. I told the story here in a Dear Ear Piercing Lady letter that has now been seen by over 20,000 people and a couple of folks asked for a picture of her. I shared a blurry one because it was the only one I had. I knew it was blurry when I took it but I didnt do a retake. I had snapped a quick pic of her to send later to her dad because I was bummed he was missing this. I threw my brand new, shining phone back in my purse and pressed my forehead against my daughters and we giggled about how brave she was and how fancy she looked with her new earrings. I stared into her eyes and wondered what she was thinking to herself. I didnt take a great first photo and I didnt immediately post to facebook to show the world. Being present with her during that rite of passage was more important to me than collecting facebook likes and comments about how cute she is. I stood there, in the moment, holding her tiny hands. And smiling at her. And tearing up when the store employee held up a mirror and Amelia saw her reflection for the first time, her smile spreading across her face like a sunrise. Im never going to forget that smile. I am so grateful that I wasnt so distracted that I missed it. I dont know whether shell remember that moment or not, but I do want her to remember day in and day out a mom who was tuned into her and to life and not staring at a screen. And missing out. So I hope youll take this video to heart, the five short minutes it is. Ill have to read about your reactions later, because Im off to play catch with my son and fly a kite with my daughter. And Im leaving my phone inside. “This media we call social is anything but, when we open our computers and it’s our doors we shut”… This is one of the most vital messages that everyone needs to hear. Look Up is a spoken word for the “online” generation. Written, performed and directed by Gary Turk. blog.petflow/this-is-a-video-everyone-needs-to-see-for-the-first-time-in-my-life-im-speechless/
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 18:07:49 +0000

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