Last nights Commissioners meeting was a good one. Well attended, - TopicsExpress


Last nights Commissioners meeting was a good one. Well attended, MOSTLY county business and generally cordial and polite (other than a stab at Ray Gasperson by Tom Pack for potentially being a hypocrite). There was a lovely pledge of allegiance by a local explorer group followed by a nice video on the history of The Star Spangled Banner that Ted Owens showed us (here is a link to the inaccuracies of the video, but it was cute non-the-less). Citizens comments were polite and hard hitting, with one speaker admonishing the Commissioners for expecting respect from citizens that (by their previous actions) that had not really earned --- basically listen to and respect citizen concerns and you will get respect in return. One of the people slandered in the last meeting by Michael Gage implying that the 2010 board intended to break the law was VERY clear that that was NOT the case and held the other majority commissioners responsible for not correcting Gages public accusation. He requested that they each apologize to him while he stood there at the podium which they each (all but Ray who had also been impugned) did. I was quite a sight. From there they covered updates on the DSS building (the peoples business as they like to say) and a good rundown from Williams on projects undertaken related to economic development. All good, reasonable discussions, with some good ideas presented by Williams. This does not clear the gang of four from their previous antics and what appears to be a purge of people they dont like from county politics, but it was a breath of fresh air to see a meeting cover actual issue with questions from the commissioners and discussions rather than previous meetings where it was painfully clear they had made up their minds prior to the meeting/public comment. Its a step in the right direction --- Im so glad they appear to have gotten that their decisions ARE being watched and that Polk County Citizens expect more from these guys than just showing up and voting yes or no.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:07:33 +0000

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