Last post on Ferguson......In my life I have always believed that - TopicsExpress


Last post on Ferguson......In my life I have always believed that certain choices made are just wrong....There are no viable I should have known pointing the finger and laying blame for a choice you made because of something someone else did. SOME WRONGS cannot be made right.,,,The actions of people who looted and then burned down a town , causing enormous suffering to many innocents is inexcusable.... To use the death of Michael Brown as reason for violence is just bogus....These angry thugs are going to do WHAT....grieve Browns death while grilling the burgers they stole from Mickey Ds....think of this young man while watching the Superbowl on the flat screen they lifted .....pray for Browns soul while they sell the auto parts they ripped off.....Lets stop making excuses for sickening behavior....What if Michael Brown had managed to get Wilsons gun away from him like he was trying to...He was already looking at charges of assaulting a police officer...would this young man have stopped to rethink and surrender...or would he have shot the cop...If this had gone that way...Wilson would be dead......and anyone with half a brain gets that....Grief has several anger....but the criminals looting were not grieving.....they were taking advantage of a volatile situation and benefiting from it....Lets just be honest and call this what it is WRONG.......And while we are telling truths had the victim been a dead cop....this story would be on the third page of Fergusons local paper.....none of us including our President....Head of the DOJ or the 100 F.B.I. agents involved would even know about this LOCAL story in a town called Ferguson.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:27:36 +0000

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