Last post to inspire you to corporately worship together :) Gods - TopicsExpress


Last post to inspire you to corporately worship together :) Gods presence is building each night. If you go in you should ask Bobby (the guy in charge) to see some of the pictures and videos he has captured angelic activity. I was amazed by a video I saw in his make shift bedroom in the office building. Flashes of lights,(angelic all around). Then he took pictures of inside the worship room with clouds of Glory so thick it looked like London fog. He went on to tell me when Evan came out of the room he was glowing like a glow stick. This got me jazzed because it is Evans heart to see revival turn into a reformation that is why I am inspiring the bride to take on this adventure in the first place:) Some fun testimonies to share that have just happened to me personally. The first day after going to the house of worship I have had an extremely closed off person confessing sins, and opening up about deep topics that only the Holy Spirit in me had answers for. Another cool testimony is Last night I brought a painted canvas to do a prophetic picture. I drew one door to a room with someones heart inside and glory flowing as a river mixed with the beat of the heart pouring into Flagstaff. (trust me, it sounds much cooler than it looked). I drew weird symbols around the door and asked God what is all this. He said,They are the notes of heavenly music that you dont have here yet on earth. I thought that was very cool to understand there are musical notes that we havent even heard yet. When I had finished my embarrassing looking art work, Eric asked if we could pray for a lady that was there. The incredible thing was this was a lady Pastor Daniel told Eric we need to get in connection with. We found out she has a hotel and reserves one room for the down and out to set them up with housing and help to get back on their feet. This is something that has been deep on her heart for a long time. One room! My picture! I was so excited to give her this picture and know God had really spoken to me. I believe testimonies are inspiring because they mean to repeat; to do again. So please post any testimonies or visions God shows you during these forty days of unending worship over Flagstaff :)
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 15:19:01 +0000

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