Last post tonight...(I think). As we watch these live disturbing - TopicsExpress


Last post tonight...(I think). As we watch these live disturbing pictures of violence in Ferguson, Missouri, let us who claim to know God boldly ask Him to do only what He can do, even in the midst of calamity, distress and civil unrest He can do anything but fail. Petition God with a level of expectancy through faith. For starters: Pray for the Brown familys strength to endure the heartache, pain and grief after the death of their son and the injustice that followed. Pray for Law Enforcement that they find restraint and the right balance to manage this situation. Pray for the future of these communities in Ferguson, Missouri that it can recover quickly and find the necessary healing to rebuild spiritually, mentally and physically. Pray for the reporters that they may be selective in their word choice to report carefully and not inflame the situation further. Pray for President Obama that his leadership continues to represent change and positive influence. And all others in leadership as well. Pray that protesters find the right balance between being a voice of justice through peaceful assembly and standing for what they believe rather than wreaking havoc. Pray that this series of events begin to galvanize people to be more unified, strategic and effective moving forward. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:55:18 +0000

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