Last thought for the night... I have found that words are so very - TopicsExpress


Last thought for the night... I have found that words are so very powerful... Ninth grade health class with Mrs. Bender. Brad Henning, Becky Henning Walkers father came for a couple days to speak to our class. I was riveted, soaking up every word that streamed from his mouth. The following words stuck with me, and I started to search. He was explaining the true meaning of love, he said love means wanting the highest good for the other person. I did not realize it then, but I was put on a path that day, the first of many directions to come, to get me where I am today. The words never left me. I sought the love he talked about that day, with very little understanding of what it looked like. I never knew my biological father, so it was what I wanted more than anything money could buy. My mothers and my prayers were answered in 1986, when my real Dad, Charles Mike Howze joined our journey.... He has shown me this love, and still does so each and everyday. We are so very blessed to have him. Im the better person for it now. After being molested from age three to five by my moms second husband (she did not find out until I was twelve and it ripped her heart out because she could not protect me as it was not visible) followed by a struggle for us to survive over the next five years, lots of moving around and never being able to stay long enough to make friends, I shut myself off to people and spent hours waiting for my mom to come get me. It was very hard on us both. I watched her cry in the bathroom more than I could fix being a child. We were both hurting so much. She was my entire world, and she is to this day. Brads words gave me hope when no one elses could. Even though we had one very big answered prayer, I had been so heavily damaged because of this fractured creation we are in. I have never forgotten those words, as I needed to hear them so badly. I will be forever grateful that he took that time to speak to us. It started my shift from pain to joy, though the road was long and the journey difficult. Jesus never left my side through it all. And those words were His tool to give me that day, to give me the strength to persevere. Be kind with your words even when it hurts to do so, you never know when God will use them to lift someone else out of unseen pain.....
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 08:05:00 +0000

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