Last time I checked, terrorism meant the act, or intention to act - TopicsExpress


Last time I checked, terrorism meant the act, or intention to act in a manner that could harm, intimidate, or coerce innocent civilians. After reading the following article, I want everyone to take a moment to himself, put your phone on silence, mute the TV, go to your room, turn the light off if it makes you focus more, and then take 1 minute to imagine what the headlines would be if the intruder mentioned in this article was a Muslim, and if the attack was against a Jewish or Christian school. Honestly ask yourself, how many times would we hear the word terrorist thrown out? How many days would the media shove down our throats the threat the community faces from Muslim radicals? What kind of language would Tony Abbot and his government use in their statements addressing this? How many bigots and rednecks would start ranting, insulting, and assaulting Muslims because of it? Yet, because the intruder isnt a Muslim, the word terrorist is not mentioned, hardly any media coverage, no statements from authorities or governments mentioning the fact that we face a clear obvious threat, and no response from anyone in charge. An armed person barged in to a school, attacked a woman, pulled out a knife on staff members, terrorized little children, and yet this is all we get?!! And then we hear the ignorant coming out and saying that Muslims arent being marginalized, and that they have no right to play the victim card. Wake up #Australia!! We do face a high threat of terror attacks on our home soil, but I can assure you its not from Muslims. If we do want peace and harmony in our country, we need to replace the government, the authorities, and the media with people who actually care, with people who are honest and just, with people who want the same thing. May Allah protect all of us from harm.. Ameen
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:23:50 +0000

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