Last week Amado joined my aunt and her family at what is now his - TopicsExpress


Last week Amado joined my aunt and her family at what is now his new home. He has been spending his time slowly easing into the transition of a new family, with his new parents and siblings. He even made some new friends this weekend and enjoyed himself as he played with them and got to know them better. Amado’s presence in their lives is being celebrated with joy, as it should be. His placement is more appropriate and his opportunity for success is much higher in a home where he has a mother present 24/7 and a father that is active in his life. On Tuesday we will be signing custody paperwork as well as the adoption paperwork, to begin the ball rolling on the finalization of this placement. It will cost us $3600 to process this paperwork and to complete a home study, which is an adoption requirement in the state of Indiana. Right now, as my girls and I have been displaced, our expenses are higher than usual. In addition, I have had to take some time off of my summer jobs in order to tend to the situation at hand. Thanks to Jill Beda Daniels, a page was set up on our behalf and we have been successful at raising just under half of the amount of money needed to process the paperwork to finalize Amado’s adoption. For those of you who may not know, one of my greatest joys in life is my career. I enjoy becoming a part of my students’ lives and watching them develop into the people they are to become. I not only have the students in my classroom for a year, but I keep in touch with many of them, being able to see, from afar, the good that they do in the world. I have had the pleasure of knowing many wonderful souls, one of whom has reached out to me recently and offered help as my family works through our current situation. Chloe Blanchard and her boyfriend, Gene Hong, are reaching out to people they know in an effort to raise money to help us meet our $3600 goal. They have generously offered to match any donations we raise over the next three days (Sunday-Tuesday, June 29-July 1), dollar for dollar. This means that instead of staring at a $1200 deficit, we are now only facing half that amount. To say that Im grateful and humbled by this is a great understatement. I know many of you have given, and we are incredibly thankful for that. I ask that if you are not able to donate, please share this link and help us raise money over the next three days. If we are able to fund everything fully by Tuesday, that is a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders, leaving us to focus on other pressing issues related to this situation. I am grateful for anything and everything. Your support, in every capacity, is appreciated and you are touching the lives of two families who have come together to provide for the needs of one very special young man.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:23:43 +0000

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