Last week it was an Indigenous family being raided... this week - TopicsExpress


Last week it was an Indigenous family being raided... this week muslim families... who next week?? Way to influence people & make friends... Lets be frank, if you & I were in these peoples shoes, you know wed be pissed!! Id be mortified if I was half naked & they wouldnt let me cover up... jeezs give the woman some right of dignity. AND Given the rhetoric that has been spewing forth from the Government of late, I think they have a right to feel angry & concerned... keep in mind many have fled this type of thing once already, when people are scared they get angry. Lakemba protest by Muslims who believe Australian terror raids were ‘unjust policing’ SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 9:54PM AN urgent meeting was called by members of the Muslim community who are furious about today’s anti-terror raids in Sydney. A speaker at the protest said they were not there to interfere with security, despite what many believed. “We are not here to determine guilt or innocence ... but we are greatly concerned.” He said women and children had been terrified during the raids and homes “smashed” as the raids were carried out, adding they took place only days after the Government claimed there was no direct threat. He said they were “not fools” and could see through the “spin” and “propaganda” of the Abbott Government who he insisted were seeking to politicise the security situation. He said history was repeating itself and the Prime Minister was simply following the example set by John Howard in 2005. “Tony Abbott doesn’t have a creative mind, we know that ..” He drew a direct link between today’s raids and arrests and the anti-terror bills about to be Introduced to Parliament. The crowd chanted “we reject the terror laws, they only serve American wars”. “Terror raids can’t break the spirit of Muslims” and “stop terrorising Muslims” were some of the signs held by protestors listening to the speakers at Lakemba station. “These are the same people who brought us children overboard and Iraq. “So what do we expect from this tale from ASIO and the police commissioner?” There were about 100 people at Lakemba station for the protest in response to what organisers say is the Federal Government’s heavy-handed approach to the raids, which resulted in 15 arrests. “My house was raided by these police pigs,” a teen from within the crowd screamed. He claimed his mother was assaulted by the police, who he kept referring to as “pigs” or “dogs”. He alleged she was assaulted as she tried to cover herself with a bed sheet . “They tried to take the blanket off my mother...Pigs came and tried to take it off my mother as she was dressed like any woman would dress for her husband.” He woke up to her screams. “The dog punched my Muslim mother on the ear...” The boy screamed, growing increasingly agitated as he asked his ‘brothers and sisters’ what they would have done”. The officers were covered by helmets and balaclavas and broke doors to gain entry to their home. “They didn’t knock - At least have some respect ...they came in breaking the door and wanted to see (my mother) half naked” The boy said he was thrown on floor and handcuffed. “And a dog puts his boot on the back of my neck and chucks me onto the wall.” Just over 2000 people had been invited to the event via Facebook with about 150 saying they would attend. “The Australian government has overnight carried out “the biggest anti-terror raids in Australian history”. Just as in 2005, these raids come on the eve of new laws being tabled in parliament next week! Many families terrorised in the middle of the night, people beaten, and stories of harsh, unjust policing are emerging,” the Facebook post said. It claimed: “The Muslim community is squarely the target of these raids and laws, the climate of hysteria only increases as the government fabricates reasons for these draconian laws.” The anonymous post said the community needed to “raise your voice as one” if they were angry about what occurred. “Spread the word, invite Muslims and non-Muslims and send a strong message against this government aggression.” Other extremist supporters have also taken to social media to launch attacks on the Abbott Government and police after today’s raids, the Daily Telegraph reported. At a press conference this morning NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said he appreciated the support of the Muslim community. Mr Scipione said the raids reflected the “reality” of the threat Australians faced. “You know it is of serious concern that right at the heart of our communities we have people that are planning to conduct random attacks,” he said.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:12:28 +0000

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