Last week the city of Detroit was forced to seek bankruptcy - TopicsExpress


Last week the city of Detroit was forced to seek bankruptcy protection. Detroit wants to get back on its feet, while conservatives hungry for privatization want to keep it on its knees. Detroit’s debt is $18 billion. For a country that thinks some banks are too big to fail, we seem to have no problem letting an iconic American city fail. Conservatives have a message for Martha and the Vandellas—we don’t care what you say, we CAN forget the Motor City. 700,000 people still live in Detroit. You would think that somebody would care about them. Then you realize that 85 percent of them are black. Suddenly everything makes sense. Rush Limbaugh says that white people have nothing to feel guilty for over slavery. Rush said “If any race of people should not have guilt about slavery it’s Caucasians.” So who is to blame—black people who put on chains and snuck onto the fields to harvest cotton? In his first public appearance since the trial, George Zimmerman helped rescue a family that was caught in an overturned vehicle according to police. OK! George did a good thing. But I’m not ready to call things even. I’ll tell you what, George—we’ll keep a tally. If you hit a point where you’ve made up for murdering a harmless teenager, we’ll notify you immediately. Not to be cynical, but there was another person helping the family get out of the vehicle. If George had not been there, they would still have been perfectly fine. However if George had not been there the night Trayvon Martin was killed, it wouldn’t have been the night Trayvon was killed. More and more big name acts are joining Stevie Wonder’s boycott of Florida over the Stand Your Ground laws. Now we’ll see what’s more important to people in Florida—good music, or the freedom to kill black kids. Finally, an ad on Craigslist was seeking actors to reenact the fight and the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman... for a birthday party. Gee, is it Sean Hannity’s birthday already? If the party people can’t find actors to do this, why don’t they hire Mark O’Mara to come and wrestle with the life-size dummy from the courtroom? It’s not like a lawyer like O’Mara won’t do anything for money.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 09:46:27 +0000

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