Last week was a tough one, with bad news coming from two different - TopicsExpress


Last week was a tough one, with bad news coming from two different sources. The first was from my wifes oncologist who reported that her last two CT scans showed no shrinkage of the tumors that have invaded her liver. A couple of days later, we found out that the Michigan Department of Social Services has determined that my terminally ill wife is no longer eligible for Medicaid. As of December 1st 2013, she will lose her Medicaid; all because I applied for Obamacare. She is so stressed and frightened that she has been in tears all week. The bastards even took away the free school lunches that my son was getting in school because that is tied to being a Medicaid recipient. Read the rest and watch the video at: bobpowell.blogspot/2013/11/dealing-with-terminal-illness-under.html OK, that was the OP over at The Truth Is Viral; but I have a special request for my friends here in Michigan Moms Against Gun Control - See, heres the thing: There is no way she should legitimately lose her Medicaid. We are being targeted by an Obama-loving case worker. As much as I hate to acknowledge it, I was disabled from two accidents. The first stole my ability to read, write, or even speak properly; the second my ability to walk. I have fought for more than 20 years, endured 8 surgeries and countless hours of physical therapy to become what you see today on The Truth Is Viral. This is the first year since I broke my back in 1995 that I have been able to walk without some type of assisting device. For the first three years I was confined to a wheelchair, so I think Im doing pretty good. But the pain is constant, and it takes a great deal of effort to make it through each day. I used to take narcotic pain medication - a LOT of narcotic pain medication - but I gave that up in 2008 because if I didnt it would have killed me. I actually did end up in the hospital with respiratory failure (opiates are a Central Nervous System depressant, you just stop breathing) even though I was taking no more than the prescribed amount of medication. Its just that by that point I had been on opiates for so long - 15 years - that my body was absolutely saturated and my lungs just said, WE QUIT! After I got out of the hospital I decided that I really did like to breathe, and that if I wanted to continue doing it I would have to just cinch up my nutsack real tight and soldier on through the pain; grin and bear it if you will. That in itself was not easy, nor is it now. I hope none of you suffer from chronic pain, but Im here to tell you it SUCKS! Ladies, please excuse my inner Jarhead, but theres only one way to describe this. There have been times when I felt as though I would crawl across a hundred miles of burning desert on a stony trail littered with broken glass to lick the sweat off a camels balls if it meant I could have total relief from the pain for just an hour. And then there are two, ultimately fatal, disease processes at work that have not been treated for a year. While I have written about it recently, I havent published this information in any of my shows: I have MS and my liver is failing from Hepatitis C that I acquired from a tattoo in the Marine Corps. Ive undergone the Interferon/Ribavirin treatment for the Hep C twice, but it keeps on coming back. It is a year-long, extremely debilitating treatment; and with my wife as sick as she is there is no way that I could even think about beginning it even if I had insurance. Wed BOTH be in the bed needing someone to take care of us. No, I cant even think about treatment for myself as long as she needs me to take care of her. But heres where maybe one of you might be able to help us. If anyone knows a suit in the Department of Social Services at a state level you can bring this to their attention. Ive searched for a way to contact the bosses of the people in the local Alpena office, but I cant get any higher than them. Its a big circle(jerk) on the net, all links lead back to the County level. When I applied for Obamacare through a navigator in my doctors office I had hope because she said that the application was going straight to Grand Rapids; but it got kicked right back to Alpena and my old case worker to complete! Last year, November of 2012 to be precise, I reported a $200 monthly income from The Truth Is Viral. Between my wife - also disabled due to Diabetic Neuropathy and Stage IV colorectal and liver cancer - and I, we lost a total of $600 a month in disability benefits; including food stamps and the monthly $200 Medicare premium that Medicaid used to pay. I say used to pay because despite our obvious and legitimate medical needs, our Medicaid was taken away as well. We called our worker more than a dozen times, but not a single phone call was returned. It wasnt until March when I went down there and demanded to speak with her supervisor and that my wifes Medicaid be reinstated that something positive happened. Our workers supervisor would not come out to meet me and hear what I had to say; but within an hour DeLynns Medicaid was turned back on. Mine was not. The fact that it was turned back on immediately without any further requests for paperwork proves to me that there was something hinky going on. But our worker not only kept her job, she has been allowed to continue to harass us. But heres where Obamacare comes in... After the ACA was rolled out I tried to log in on the website. LOLOLOL. I got as far as them taking all of my info before I got a screen filled with ?????????????????. So I went to a navigator, a person who worked in our family doctors office, and for an hour and a half we went over my income and expenses. And I applied for Obamacare. Well we just got another letter from Michigan Department of Social Services. Once again, my wife has lost her Medicaid; and they even took away the free school lunch the one child we have who is still in school used to get. WTF! Last month was the first month that I brought in ad revenue greater than or equal to the disability benefits we had lost a year before; by $53. And that is before taking away half for expenses. Net, I still havent managed to equal the disability benefits we received when I did nothing but sit on my couch and watch TV. My family lived on less than $20,000 last year, and with the 70-hour workweek I put into producing TTiV I figured out that Im working for .14-cents an hour. How are we supposed to afford to buy health insurance on that? Medicaid is our only option, and were not eligible? One shot, that she must take twice a day, costs $500; a thousand dollars a day. The nausea medication she takes once a day when shes hooked up to the chemo costs $150 a pill for a total of $450 a month. Her pain medication costs over $1,000 a month, then there are half-a-dozen other pills she has to take for this, and that, and the other thing. Come December 1st, my wifes Medicaid will end and we will not be able to afford the medications that are keeping her alive. And she will die. She will die in a great deal of pain, and fo no damned good reason. Wed both REALLY like to avoid that if at all possible. So if anyone knows someone who is in a position to help us, please let me know most ricky-tick. Ive also composed a Tweet to Megan Kelley who has been asking for people to send in their stories. Here it is: @megynkelly #thekellyfile PLEASE read the Obamacare nightmare of @TheTruthIsViral at If you all could copy and paste that into your own Tweet and send it out yourselves, it would increase the chance that it might stand out among the tens of thousands of Tweets they are getting. My wife and I would be extremely grateful for any assistance you can offer as far as spreading the word. Im going to produce a much more detailed record of events this week, but we need something to happen now. God bless and Semper Fi, Bobby Powell Publisher/Editor-in-Chief The Truth Is Viral bobpowell.blogspot
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:53:40 +0000

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