Last week was chapter 1 today is chapter 2 if you havent read - TopicsExpress


Last week was chapter 1 today is chapter 2 if you havent read chapter 1 like this status and ill message u it 2 LOUIS TOMLINSON Louis is something of the dark horse of the band. Unlike Harry, Liam and Niall, and even Zayn to an extent, he was basically absent from our screens as the early phases of The X Factor were broadcast. Few viewers had noticed him much prior to the judges’ houses phase. Even once the band was assembled and thrust into the live shows, Louis was one of its less prominently featured members. In the aftermath of the series, as One Direction took the first steps in their career, his very inclusion in the band was called into question by an embittered former winner of the popular talent show. Many would have been disheartened to have such a lesser stature. Not Louis – he kept his head up, continued to pull that winning smile of his, and before long he was a firm favourite with the fans, sometimes receiving the loudest cheers and screams of all the members during concerts and public appearances. It took some poise and assurance to manage that. As the eldest child in his family, Louis has rarely lacked for either. He has four younger sisters, Phoebe, Daisy, Félicité and Charlotte. As a first-born child he is expected to have certain inherent characteristics, among which are a strong sense of duty and responsibility and an ability to lead. This is largely because the eldest child in a family, particularly a large clan like the Tomlinsons, usually has an almost semi-parental role in the home. They are good at nurturing and caring for others. Louis has stated that people have sometimes been impressed by how well he deals with children. ‘First borns’ can also, on a less positive note, be prone to self-criticism, and feelings of envy and guilt. Behind his carefree image, Louis has moments of unhappiness and uncertainty. In truth, though, the fact he is the only boy in the family had as much of an affect on his life as his place in the birth order. It made him very close to his mother from the early days. That fond relationship endures to this day, even as he is frequently thousands of miles from her. The Tweets between mother and son LOUIS TOMLINSON on Twitter alone testify to their closeness. So do their pronouncements. ‘We’ve got a close relationship,’ said Johanna. ‘He’s got four sisters and he is my only boy. He is a lovely family lad.’ With such a large age gap between him and his youngest sisters – the twins Daisy and Phoebe – he was often asked to muck in with some of the duties around the home, which he did, happily and effectively. Childhood photos of Louis often show him caring for his sisters. In one famous image, his sister Charlotte is sitting on his lap as he reads a book to her. He loves all his sisters. That does not preclude him wishing he could have had a brother as well. In the absence of one, he and his dad formed a close bond as the only males in the crowded Tomlinson household. As all of the band’s fans are only too aware, Louis is comfortably the chattiest member of One Direction. His love of speaking, speaking and then speaking a bit more actually long predated the band. Even when he was still in a pram, Louis would be talking for most of the day. Strangers on the street would find themselves greeted out loud by the cute- faced kid in the pram. If they did not respond with sufficient friendliness they could find themselves the subject of a less affable, follow-up comment from loquacious Louis. He was full of so much energy and character – there seemed to be something special about Johanna’s ‘lovely family lad’ from the start. He was a lovely family lad who was prone to dreaming as a child. Before he settled on singing as a career, Louis dreamt of being, among other things, a Power Ranger, a footballer, a farmer, a drama teacher and an actor. It is pertinent that Louis was so crazy about the Power Rangers. He admits that as a child he became ‘obsessed’ with them and for several Christmases running he would ask for a Power Rangers toy or some other sort of merchandise. When the family moved for a while to Poole, near Bournemouth, he was thrilled to learn that there were Power Ranger rides on the seafront. His future bandmate Zayn Malik was, unbeknown to Louis at this stage, also a Power Rangers obsessive. A more intriguing coincidence comes in the fact that the man who would later make the boys’ dreams come true had played a significant part in the Power Rangers story. Simon Cowell, noting the huge viewing figures the series was attracting on television, signed a deal to release Power Rangers songs. One of these releases LOUIS TOMLINSON reached number three in the charts. In years to come, Cowell would put Louis at the top of the charts. First, though, Louis had various stages to go through as he developed his love of entertainment. Indeed, his early love of performance was of the acting rather than singing variety. He was soon taking small parts as an extra on television shows. This run began when he blagged his way onto the cast of a show in which his twin sisters were appearing. At one show he participated in he met the celebrity James Corden off set and they remain friends to this day. He took acting classes and was even ambitious enough to make an arrangement with a theatrical agent. Parts – albeit small ones – followed, including one in the long-running BBC show Waterloo Road and another in an ITV drama called If I Had You . He also acted at school and one of the highlights of his pre- X Factor life was when he secured the lead role of Danny in a production of Grease . He almost burst with pride and excitement at this achievement. There were 200 people in the audience and it is reported that he made for a reasonably compelling leading man. Away from acting, Louis always made an impact at school. Later, he was remembered vividly – if sometimes with contradictions – by several of the staff who taught him. His headteacher, Yvonne Buckley, made a nod to his fine elder sibling role when she said: ‘Louis was a hardworking and determined pupil who is extremely supportive of his sisters.’ Buckley’s memory of Louis as ‘hardworking’ is challenged by his former head of year, Jenni Lambert. ‘I’m absolutely delighted for him,’ she told the Daily Star . ‘He was a bit of a rogue at school at times, but he absolutely loved performing, and the thing he lived for most was performing with the band at assemblies. Performing was what he always wanted. He is a very charming chap, but he wasn’t a great fan of doing academic work.’ That said, she concludes that: ‘He has a very likeable quality.’ He has provided her with a shining example to use to motivate her pupils. If they work hard, she tells them, they too could go on to become as successful as Louis has. Despite his early acting success – a discipline to which Louis aspires to return one day in the future – it was music that made him the example that Lambert can now use. When he was fourteen he LOUIS TOMLINSON joined a band called The Rogue. He is proud to have been in the band and is very proud of their name (it is certainly more evocative of a rock band than Harry’s White Eskimo). The story of how he came to join is an unconventional one. The other members of the band became friendly with Louis during a school trip to Norfolk and they asked him if he would like to be their lead singer. It says much about Louis’s inherent star quality that they asked him this without even knowing whether he could sing or not. If one were to look for ways of demonstrating that a person has that indefinable yet important quality that is known as ‘the x factor’ here is such a moment. Louis’s charismatic personality – plus, perhaps, his cute face – had been enough to convince an already- formed band that he was the man to lead them from the front. Fortunately, once he did sing for them they were happy with what they heard. The Rogue was now complete. Their sound was more ‘rocky’ than that of One Direction. Among the acts whose songs they attempted were American punk-pop stadium band Green Day, who are best known for their anthems ‘American Idiot’, ‘Wake Me Up When September Ends’ and ‘Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)’. As we have seen, Harry, too, was a fan of their lively, romping sound. The Rogue also tried out songs by another American rock outfit: The Killers. When Louis sang these bands’ songs he partly imagined himself as their respective lead singers – Billie Joe Armstrong and Brandon Flowers – but also paid attention to bring himself into the performance. In time he would be a real star, with all the trappings that come with that – including girls. His first kiss came in Year Five. ‘I don’t really remember that much about it,’ he told the website Sugarscape. ‘It was one of those kind of like ... kind of weird moments. It was all right. I was young, I was naive. What can I say?’ The following year he got his first celebrity crush – on the Harry Potter actress Emma Watson. He remembers falling for her charms when he and his classmates went to watch the first Harry Potter movie. ‘Literally all the lads fancied [her],’ he said. As he entered his teenage years Louis started dating a girl who he ‘really liked’. However, a few weeks later she ended their relationship because, she told him, he ‘wasn’t good looking enough’. Recounting the story after becoming a pin-up through One Direction, 33MLINSONLouis’s pain was still palpable. ‘It still hurts me inside’, he said. His fans nowadays are flummoxed that any girl dared dump their hero. Even taking into account that Louis is the oldest member of One Direction, his childhood was still a busier and more eventful experience than his bandmates’. He was an energetic boy in a hurry, keen to try as many of the things that life offered as possible. His curriculum vitae is packed with the many jobs he tried. As a teenager Louis worked as a football coach, selling snacks at a football stadium, as a waiter, at a branch of the well-known chain Toys R Us and at a cinema. Soon, though, it became time for him to apply to audition for The X Factor . He applied in 2009 but did not make it past the very first round. He spent the next year determined to return and to make more of a success of it. When he reapplied for the 2010 series he had just finished his AS Levels. His life would never be the same again. Look out for nexts week chapter witch is called ZAYN MALIK :) ~crazyforcurls
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 11:29:57 +0000

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