Last weekend is over and a new week has started and things are so - TopicsExpress


Last weekend is over and a new week has started and things are so much better. As I mentioned, I got together with a good friend, a wise and godly friend, Pastor Mark. Some of you probably know him. As to that, I went to church on Sunday and while I cried through the entire worship service, I was changed from the sermon from one of my pastors, Pastor Jason. Between these two guys, my perspective changed. Im starting to see my life and future from a different perspective. One of the things Ive been doing is spending too much time thinking about the future and other than the very real possibility that I will see Jesus sooner than most of you, my future doesnt look that good. I am starting to learn to live my life for today. Today I feel good. Today I have great relationships with my wife, my son and his family, a lot of other family and a host of good friends. Today, I am walking with the Lord and my relationship with Him is very good. I am learning to live today with the blessings I have and let the future take care of itself when it gets here. I should know this stuff but I guess when youre down in the middle of it, its easy to forget. Remember Jesus model prayer where He says Give us this day our daily bread? He seems to be telling me the same thing. Live for today. Pastor Mark also taught me is that Im going through a period of mourning. Arlene and I are experiencing a lot of loss and often loss and mourning comes with crying and some other very powerful emotions. So I need to give myself a break and just let myself mourning. Let the tears flow and share the mourning with Arlene and rest of my family. Were in this together. What I learned from Pastor Jason is that I dont need to walk around with a big S on my chest. Im not Superman. Its important for me to live the life God has given me. I tend to think like a leader. In other words, Im asking myself, How can I use what Im learning today teach others? But God has given me this life to walk with Him. Others may learn from observing my life and I hope thats thats the case. But my primary objective is to walk with the Lord and grow closer to Him. I hope some of this makes sense. It seems a messy to me. What I want you to know is, Im doing a lot better. Im encouraged. I can smile again. I love each of you. Have a great week.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:57:49 +0000

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