Last year I was so excited about Baylor that I tended to post - TopicsExpress


Last year I was so excited about Baylor that I tended to post about everything I was doing here. This year my friends and family back home asked if Baylor had gotten boring as a sophomore. I realized that I have a lot to be grateful for here at BU, so for the sake of my Austin friends Ill recount just a few of my favorite memories thus far: HRC Welcome Week, Aug 21 - Got to move in my favorite freshmen from line camp, lead a game of Fugitive with Josh and Kade, and immortalize Isaac Lee in one of the most random stories Ive ever told. Welcome Week, Aug 23 - Got to watch from the other side as the Men of Alexander got their groove on in the 2013 Serenades. Riding in a pickup and dancing to Pretty Boy Swag made my night. Welcome Week, Aug 25 - Ended a fantastic weekend with Taylor Neely and The Smartans business fellows with a Candlelight Ceremony. Gave me the chills. The Open Book, Aug 29 - Callie Hyde and I jumped head-first into a crazy idea, and invited freshmen to join us for pizza at PapaRollos. With a 33-seat table and a Ben Rector Concert, I can say that we had a good time. The HRC Retreat, Sep 7 - After a massive water balloon fight, hours of Whodunits, and a trip to kolache heaven, I felt right back at home with my HRC friends. Humans Vs. Zombies, Sep 13 - After another epic week of backstabbing, threat-making, and guerrilla warfare, the humans made their last stand in the Old Main quad. The aftermath at Carls Jr. was appropriately atrocious. Kolaches and Muzik, Sep 19 - After being asked by Jay Fields to MC a Common Grounds show with no musical performers, I asked eight performers to step up and take the mic. Despite the thunder storm that ensued, the show went on. And I loved it. After Dark, Sep 20 - The Poppers, Lockers, and Breakers headed by Brennin Hardy enjoyed their largest performance ever at the Baylor-wide talent show. Our mix with the infamous cell-phone beatdown fit our team perfectly. Baylor vs. ULM, Sep 21 - After spending the first half of the boiling-hot day watching the Bears thrash ULM in what would be a 70-7 game, my moms old friend discovered us in the stands and invited us to her box seat. Her name was Carla Leeper, chief of staff to the President, so I spent the rest of the game hangning with Ya Boy Kenny Star, Kevin Jackson, Jordan Hannah, and other fascinating people. And eat lots of chocolate-covered pineapple. Acoustic Cafe Comedy Hour, Sep 26 - Presented my piece, Confessions of a White Rapper, just to show how pathetic I can look while rapping. The Bearthology official launch party, Sep 27 - After months of planning and promotional material, the guerrilla organization for publishing collaborative arts finally launched with a bang. ZZZ Klub Kool-Aid, Oct 1 - After a strange mix-up put Audrey Rebecca Elequin in Waco visiting an event that neither of us expected to attend, I got to dance with my sister at the Dr. Pepper Museum in a new annual tradition. Mayborn Childrens Museum, Oct 3 - Another reunion with Old People Booty Swag took us to the COOLEST place in Waco - where we proceeded to play with childrens toys. North Austin Medical Center, Oct 11 - Visited my dad shortly after his hip surgery. Not only was he on his feet within hours of the operation, but cheered on the Bears to victory as St. Davids loudest patient of the year. ----------- There, Im done. Not to be TOO nostalgic - I just wanted to jot these down to celebrate the great times here, and to maybe remind some of my friends of how good we have it. Now Im gonna sit back, do some homework, and thank God for the place that He has placed me. Sic Em.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 06:24:57 +0000

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