Last year Young Living processed 800,000 orders a month. Now, - TopicsExpress


Last year Young Living processed 800,000 orders a month. Now, they are processing 800,000 order a week and have experienced some delays and some items being out of stock. Here is a note I got about that from a top leader: There was a question on my business group about the ability of Young Living to keep up with the demand for more and more essential oils with the phenomenal growth that the Company has experienced in the past 2 two years. My comments are shared here . . . Gary Young has been traveling all over the planet acquiring farms so Young Living WILL be able to keep up with production. As of August, EVERY farm growing pure lavendula agustifolia in Provence, France is growing for Young Living. (This is a statement from the President of the Lavender Growers Association.) There is a similar legal agreement with the helichrysum growers in Serbia and Croatia as of late August . . . and Young Living is already the ONLY company that can legally export boswellia sacra (Sacred Frankincense) from Oman.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 06:47:47 +0000

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