Last year on December 18 (which was a Wednesday last year) my - TopicsExpress


Last year on December 18 (which was a Wednesday last year) my husband and I were excited to go to our baby Miracles first ultrasound appointment to hear his/her heartbeat for the very first time, but instead, we were informed that the second baby we had been praying for so long to conceive, had no heartbeat and he/she wasnt the correct size she should be for me being 8 weeks pregnant. I was asked by my OBGYN if I had been experiencing any spotting or bleeding or any cramping, but at that point, I had not yet. My doctor gave me another ultrasound appointment for after Christmas of December 27th, which last year was a Friday. Christmas was very somber last year, but we were trying to hold onto hope baby Miracle would grow and have a heartbeat by then. (And we didnt want to ruin Christmas for Logan) However, I did start that spotting, cramping and bleeding so by the time we went to that appointment on December 27th I was in the early stages of a missed-miscarriage. For that appointment on December 27th, we had some close friends watch Logan for us but Jordan was by my side when we found out together there was still no heartbeat and in fact signs of miscarriage instead. I was not wanting to go the route of having a D&C so I opted for the miscarriage prescription, pain medication and my anxiety medication to keep me calm. On Saturday, December 28, 2013 the miscarriage was final and our Miracle baby went to be with Jesus, God, Heavens Angels and other believers in Heaven. ❤️ I look forward to seeing Miracle one day when either I die or when Jesus comes back. While I love the Christmas season very much (its my favorite time of the year) and what its all about (Jesus birth) I am all over the place with my emotions this year because of remembering last years tragedy, but this year we have the blessing of buying our first home, and I am very grateful and feel fortunate and blessed by God for that. I know all things in life, that happen good and bad, are in Gods sovereign control and that He has my best interest at heart, so I am trusting in that. God is with us through (Emmanuel) and He will always give me strength and love to sustain me.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:08:34 +0000

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