Last year we made an essence called Rage from Stinging Nettle and - TopicsExpress


Last year we made an essence called Rage from Stinging Nettle and the Lace Bark Flower. Rage is about the high end of anger and how much we deny and suppress our rage and in doing so, we cause massive havoc in our lives, hurting others and ourselves. Rage is display in many ways, Ive notice when I feel tiredness, listlessness, Im more than often having a silent tantrum, meaning that Im angry about not getting my addictions met = to be loved, heard, understood. There are truckloads of ways we dance, suppress, deny or spew out our rage upon the world. The highest form of rage is cold, steely resentment, where we detach from our heart and feelings in the form of Narcissism. We have all grown up with someone, know someone or personally display levels of narcissism in our relationships and dealings with the world. Some people believe that narcissism cannot be healed, but from the research and emotions that I have done, and getting to know more about how we heal, I fully believe that every person, not matter what ails them, what conditions of our childhood shaped us, we can heal. Here is a documentary/movie about a little girl who was severely damaged and acted out here rage in sadistic ways. What caused her to be like this? Here is her story and the assistance that she received. And the healing power of Love and compassion.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:10:05 +0000

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