Lastest writing; intuition… Whos voice is in your home? To - TopicsExpress


Lastest writing; intuition… Whos voice is in your home? To know who you are you have to be who you are. You can not hear your own voice when there are so many other; both internally and externally, voices; noise, between you and your own. How many voices do you house, truths that robbed you of your innocence; your own organic enquiry, that are outside of your experience? How much of your experience is borrowed? How much where you sold without questioning? How long will you forgo your own; authentic, self-enquiry? Doubt purifies all convictions, if it is indeed truth it will remain not in the form of an answer but in the dissolution of questioning all together. You can not hear yourself until you befriend silence; aloneness, become naked; allow for questioning of what you think you know; what you have been told, heard or read. If you are afraid of aloneness you are essentially afraid of yourself; of starting over all over again, the truth within you that wants to be heard by you. All personas are masks; voices that are not your own, reflections of the images and narratives you conveniently adopt to fit in and feel comfortable within the maze of discomfort that is this world. Comfort is an illusion that appears to save you from the discomfort which you are experiencing. Start over, begin fresh; live anew, embrace doubt; uncertainty: the unknown. Forget what you where told- sold, you are innately intelligent, you require no psychological support. Why do you cling to all that does not form part of your active participation; experimentation? You are not blind nor are you deaf. Look and see, listen and hear- you have eyes and ears. You are the activity of intelligence in motion; intuition, intellect and instinct, get acquainted with yourself, everyone and everything is a mirror when your witnessing- as opposed to identifying. Identification is source of all division both inner and outer; within, between and amongst. There is no way around yourself, you cant run and you cant hide- a house will never be a home. There is only one comfort and that is eternal ecstasy that arises when silence is re-discovered and one begins to hear; remembers, their own voice; their own call to come home. Here and now is eternal, all time is dependent; contained with, the here and now- nothing else. Why seek outside for what is in truth longed for inside and in this very moment? How long must you play this game with yourself? How long will you seek distractions; knowledge and physical comforts, at the expense of your own self-discovery? How many half-circles must you trace in the sand? How long must you pretend to be, when you know deep down inside you are not and this is not- life is not a game? When are you going to come to love yourself unconditional and give up on all masks and voices that are not your own; outside of your authentic experience: aloneness, this moment? When are you gonna stop reaching back and reaching forwards and be where you are? When are you gonna come to accept yourself before you consider anothers acceptance of you? When I ask you? Only until you learn to listen and be without filters; stop housing foreign masks and voices, will you mature literally and only then will utter contentment and fulfillment be yours. Dont trust anyone, including what I say- have your own experience. Real growth happens in the form of awareness; frequency, not in the abstract; the recitation of concepts and ideas- no matter how true they may be. You are the witness through and through, why do you identify with all that you are not? Why do you fear who you are, what could be more natural than to want to know; be, who you are? The voices that are not your own dissolve by way of witnessing; becoming aware of, not identifying. If your attention is directed, in other words, if your attention filtered through the intention to get rid of, you will never succeed- uncover who you are. Just be attentive; without intention, be the witness; the innocent: neutral, bystander, and silence will be yours- your organic voice will rise effortlessly. Your voice is not cultivated, it is allowed and embraced, it is ever-presently awaiting your recognition; the complete surrendering of your internal resistance to seeing and listening; feeling, of its eternal presence. Through witnessing we invite silence and allow our voice to be heard, contentment and fulfillment are by products of embracing what is heard; felt, without questioning. Questioning and control only bring about confusion and another form of conditioning- another voice foreign to our own, another house instead of a home. All advice is cheap, experiment and explore, tools earn their value through use. Experience; practice, is only, everything else is a hypothesis; theory. Be the witness, drop the mask, locate your inner voice- go home, quit allowing other voices to occupy your home- love yourself unconditionally. Feel your heart and never turn back, and you will be the bridge between the perceived separation within and without. Conception is reality; being is knowing, perception is a figment of your projection; half-truth, un-experienced conviction. You end where you begin, as the witness; as awareness. The mystery of life is un-knowable; note perceivable, but it can be experience for the simple fact that you are the mystery and there is no beginning nor end to your depth. Grant yourself the honor and respect of genuine enquiry, you will not arrive at any answer in the end but the awareness brought about by way of the experience of active; authentic, enquiry will dissolve the questioner and hence the questions altogether- what remain is who you are- presence. You end where you began, you already are. It is your own active participation; experience; sense of aloneness, embracing of doubt and allowing yourself to be who you are that all questions dissolve under the light of awareness. Link….
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:12:36 +0000

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