Late Tuesday the moon clocked into busy Capricorn and suddenly we - TopicsExpress


Late Tuesday the moon clocked into busy Capricorn and suddenly we felt duty bound by deadlines and obligations. Wednesday morning was initially met with dread as the serious Capricorn moon moved to challenge the sun in laid back Libra, yet we still begrudgingly pushed away the covers and headed to work, the gym and any other function we lacked energy for. The interesting thing though was as soon as we made the effort, we did not regret it. In fact we felt a sense of accomplishment. Capricorn is the task master of the zodiac and rewards us for all the hard work we do. On the less enlightened side, Capricorn deals with execs and big business but it also rules wisdom through experience and the knowledge of our elders. Right now, we need to play by the rules and work within the system so we can effect positive changes from within. Big brother is everywhere but we can shape our karma through kindness. Those who try to take short cuts and rip people off (Wall Street gamblers and bigwigs) will eventually fall from grace (especially while Pluto moves through Capricorn for the next ten years). Thursday the moon has to play double Dutch jump rope with Pluto and Uranus, making us agitated a little as plans change. We might keep our feelings to ourselves though since the Cappie moon aint one to moan on public (but friends might have to hear us lament in private). Later there is an odd alignment to jupiter that could make us suspiciously optimistic despite all the setbacks. As the moon moves to contact Saturn, logic displaces any messy emotions clouding our heads. Here is Capreeshicorn Marlene Dietrich:
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:03:30 +0000

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