Late to bed again :P I thought I was on the ball tonight too :P - TopicsExpress


Late to bed again :P I thought I was on the ball tonight too :P hahahah I had to get all my cardboard I had stacked in the basement out and there were a few boxes of paper I wanted to sort and get out...before I knew it I was finishing my episode and it was after 10pm! But, progress on the basement, minimal but it counts ;) hahaha Laundry in the dryer and Lillys cleanse is made :D Tonight is change the clocks night...I think mine does it automatically...but I am sure with my children alone we will be up in more than enough time to get them ready for the bus :P 2 sales today :D One mine, the other my friends tires. one set anyhow. He is awesome and pays me 20% so it gave me an extra $30 for groceries :D Also thankful that it was not raining when we were finally able to make it out. It was actually decent the whole time and let me tell you I was thanking God the whole time!! We have had too many necessary outings in absolutely terrible weather lately. It gave Lilly the physical activity she needs and of course Joshua wanted to walk up the hill home :D Joshua is now addicted to Thomas The Train on Netflix :P he calls it Bus and is getting very demanding...I actually put him for a time out on the step today as he would not take no for an answer :P Being cooped up pretty much permanently now is not helping that at all :P Both girls still feel pretty lousy, but I think Lilly is more on the mend than she lets on ;) My 8yr old keeps making me think she is getting really sick, then I think she is fine...we shall see how she is in the morning as I would not have wanted to send her to school today that is for sure. Got everyone bathed and in bed at the same time. Joshua was not thrilled but when he does not get a proper nap I try to get him down earlier...we shall see how that plays out come morning :P One pending sale for tomorrow :) Hopefully sewing for me :D Now I must get my behind to bed...still have no comprehension how I am functioning on such little sleep, truly blows my mind how our bodies can do it and just keep going! Hoe you had a great day, sweet dreams :)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 02:35:48 +0000

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