Lately I have been focusing on my other spiritual life. The one - TopicsExpress


Lately I have been focusing on my other spiritual life. The one that happens at work where I have a new boss who doesnt recognize the value of my FB posts, at home paying bills, taking kids places, and exercising so this body continues to function. You know..the other real world. I *am looking forward to a retreat with Francis Bennett Im going to soon. I intend to focus on loftier matters there (unless Francis wants to just shoot the breeze a little too). Ive realized that anything can be a trap, a box you paint around yourself that says I am this. Well whatever this is is probably wrong. Well at least so far it has been. Here are my greatest hits from the last 35-40 years. I am evil. Wrong I am unworthy. Wrong I am a victim. Wrong I suffer because of an illness. Wrong Life is unfair to me. Wrong I am this personality. Wrong I am these tendencies. Wrong I am a spiritual person. Wrong Well as you can see I have been a miserable failure at discerning the truth so far. Wrong. How about Everything is just fine as it is. Maybe... Love is all that matters..? Probably I am aware of posting this. Definitely
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:56:44 +0000

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