Lately I have been thinking about the reasons why what I consider - TopicsExpress


Lately I have been thinking about the reasons why what I consider to be obvious acts of Jihad and Terrorism on the part of Radical Islamics within the boundaries of America are instead labeled as acts of work place violence by all the various agencies of the government. The beheading of a grandmother is more of a terrorist act than it is an act of work place violence. The fact that it happened in the work place doesn’t mean that one can’t perform an act of Jihad or Terrorism. Same goes for the shootings at Fort Hood, or the bombing in Boston or the killing of a soldier in Little Rock. The longer I thought about why the refusal the more it dawned on me that it was once again the Obama Administration wanting to change the words to attempt to change the narrative because of simple and ugly politics. To admit that we have Terrorism here in America the Obama Administration would have to admit that it didn’t kept the homeland safe since the events of 9/11. Admitting failure is difficult to be sure for any Administration but completely impossible for this administration. It would be to admit a complete failure of our ability to keep terrorism out of America and thus it would be a huge chink in our armor so to speak. So the Obama Administration simply changes the words to avoid the political whiplash of the voters thus making the change of words more about politics and less about security and safety within our own boarders. If the government can’t call it what it is then clearly they can’t fix it. If the administration redefines it then they can’t deal with it through the full power and might of our defensive systems. It’s just another form of appeasement that never works and always leads to bigger and worse conflicts. Deny reality is not only stupid but dangerous in today’s world. It is amazing to me that these people tell us why in great detail they committed these acts of Jihad and Terrorism and we are stupid enough to try and change the very thing that freely admit too. The funny thing is every poll shows the vast majority of the American people don’t believe that it is work place violence. Gosh now even many of the Democrats are starting to push back to proclaim what these acts are… They are acts of Jihad and if you can deny that cutting a grandmothers head off is not a form of Jihad then you can deny anything and everything. As for me I always believe what my eye’s tells me. I don’t want to be found lacking in common sense and reason. I am not willing to blindly follow any administration in denial of the most obvious events. I would wager even my grandkids could reason better than those in the White House… Anybody want to bet? Just stating the obvious!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:02:12 +0000

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