Lately I have found myself in a continual hurry. I noticed it - TopicsExpress


Lately I have found myself in a continual hurry. I noticed it most starkly this morning as I took my morning browse through Flickr. I like to peruse the Recent Photos in order to appreciate the eye of the photographers as well as get ideas for more creative photography. Well, I say peruse but I found myself more engaged in a race to the bottom of the page. I found myself in the same panic mode induced by my need to catch up on Facebook. You know what I am talking about; that state of Nirvana you enter when you realize that you have scrolled down to re-encounter the status you read last night before tearing yourself away from FB to go to bed. I realized that in my all encompassing need to see everything, Im not really seeing much at all. I tried to recall what the last photo had even shown. Was it a landscape? Was it a portrait? Heck, was it in color or black and white? ...(eyes blink in blank stare)... So in an effort to battle this speed induced inattention to detail, I will endeavor to slow down. I will try to stifle the panic of something slipping by me, of not getting back to the starting point. (Like that could really exist on FB) I may miss a few statuses, a few pictures...but what I do catch, I will really catch.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 12:24:20 +0000

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