Lately I have noticed a increase in aggression between - TopicsExpress


Lately I have noticed a increase in aggression between theists/christians and atheists. It worries me that people attack each other so personally and viciously in post comments. The two main reasons I find 1: Is when theists get upset and take the criticism of their religion personally and start insulting and threatening atheists just because atheists criticise and ridicule religious beliefs and dogmas. I have seen threats of extreme violence such as I will kill you , I hope you and all fellow atheists burn in hell forever, Atheists should all be shot and burned . Bring back public crucifixion of all non believers. Yes, it is horrible and so disturbing. 2: Is when atheists call theists/christians stupid and uneducated. That is simply not true and is very personally insulting. People who are religious are not all stupid or uneducated. I have many religious friends and family who are definitely not stupid and are well educated. Religiosity is associated with people unwilling to accept the facts, or are simply not interested in science, cosmology, Evolution and other topics that are not consistent with religious beliefs. To say that people are stupid and uneducated just because they choose to believe in a deity of sorts does not make them any less intelligent. I find that most religiously inclined people are kind and friendly. It is only when they take their religion to the extreme and become extremists who want to force their particular religion onto others by demanding religious indoctrination in schools etc that they become a danger to society and encourage ignorance of education and higher learning. Atheists should learn that there is a fine line between ridiculing religion and personal attacks on individuals. Education and critical thinking skills are the keys to understanding the evils of organised religions. Love the people, but not their religion. Atheists should learn to be more patient and tolerant of individual religious people. DEBATE, NOT HATE. DISCUSS, NOT JUDGE. UNDERSTAND, NOT IGNORE. And the same goes for theists. If common ground can not be found, If anger overwhelms the mind, If listening and considering the topic at hand on either side of the discussion is no longer possible, THEN ignore and walk away. Be the better person. That is a sign of intelligence. There are others who will be willing to listen and have rational discussions. Just my thoughts. Have a great day everyone. :-)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:20:05 +0000

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