Lately I have seen several postings questioning how/why Islam is a - TopicsExpress


Lately I have seen several postings questioning how/why Islam is a religion of peace when there are Muslims who have killed others such as the latest shooting in Canada. And of course who has not heard of ISIS. You might not like what I am about to say, so if your skin is thin, then please stop reading. And a warning beforehand. If you feel you need to comment, please do so respectfully. No flaming. No getting personal. I will delete if it goes overboard and ban if necessary. Here goes. You dont judge a religion based on the action of a few or some. Islam to my understanding is a religion of peace. In fact, all religion I know of encourages peace, love and positive values. BUT, if you look back in history or even certain events happening elsewhere in the world right now, there will be people who perform acts of violence under the name of religion and God. Do we want to judge Islam as violent because of a few people? Then ask yourself how many American Christians killed Iraqi civilians in the last 20 years? Or what about the Rohingyas and Karen tribes decimated by Buddhist soldiers? Or do we want to look back in time to the Pakistan Indian war? Or how about Sri Lanka civil war? It will never end if we take this path. Every action will be justified and vilified. Religion is a sensitive topic and I hope I did not offend anyone and everyone here. I would just like to share my views, that maybe, just maybe we should stop condemning other religions and learn to live respecting the sanctity of life and the wisdom of keeping the mouth shut sometimes. A quarter of my family are Muslims. They arent violent. They are just your normal average Malaysians who are struggling to make a good life out of what they have. Same as I. And although they may call their religion and God a different name than mine, they are still my family. And that goes too to all my friends, regardless of which religion they believe in. That is between God and them. There is a saying that God and Religion is perfect. Only humans are flawed. Think about it. Because that means you.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:31:54 +0000

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