Lately I have suffered many vicious attacks from some FB - TopicsExpress


Lately I have suffered many vicious attacks from some FB super-dimentioned egos accusing me of all kind of crimes, all made-up in their sickened minds: 1. I am a troll, I am not I, I am a professional troll paid to cover-up to minimize the extent of the ongoing Fukushima catastrophe. 2. I am a old dirty white man, chauvinist, mysoginist, etc. One rude woman who I banned from Rainbow warriors for her caustic comments created an FB group against my white dirty old man misoginy, a group with 80 members. 3. I am promoting Goddards pro-nuclear work on my blog 4. I am related to a person working in the French CNRS 5. I am an undercover pro-nuke, in disguise. 6. I am deleting their posts on Rainbow Warriors or/and banning them because I want to silence The Truth I d like to answer those people diffamatory accusations:: 1. I used a pseudo when I started to Facebook about Fukushima, wishing to protect my identity so as to protect my Japanese daughter living in Iwaki from reprisal of government or pro-nuke thugs. In vain since they can easily find my identity thru FB services. I have never minimized Fukushima, but I have also stood against sensationalist hyperboles or sensational hoaxy posts. In the last 4 years I have spend a lot of my life time to inform about Fukushima on various FB groups and on a few blogs. 2. I am neither a racist, nor a nationalist, nor a mysoginist. I have always stood for the equal rights of everyone, included animal rights. 3. I have never promoted Goddards pro nuclear work on my blog, the only Goddard I do like is Goddard the French world famous movie director. 4. I have no relative in the french CNRS nor in Areva nor in the French Government. As it is I have no close relative left in France. After living 35 years in Asia, when i came back to France in 2008, the only close relative I had was my half-brother who died 3 months after my arrival. My only two close relative I have presently in France is my two Franco-Philippino sons who I brought here with me in 2008, plus the Philippina wife of my eldest son who arrived here in December 2013., and their three young sons 5. Before 2011 I have never been anti-nuclear nor pro-nuclear, I was ignorant, unaware, indifferent. I woke up in March 2011 with Fukushima, when that catastrophe touched the life of my Japanese daughter, from my first mariage, who grew up and lives in Iwaki, Fukushima. Since I awoke in 2011 I have been relentlessly fighting nuclear sharing informations on Fukushima on Internet and participating in anti-nuclear actions locally in France. 6. As the admin of Rainbow Warriors, I do delete posts which are spams or too far from our group adressed issues. But I do also delete aggressive, insulting, rude, pushy, posts from some would be Greater-Than-Thou-ish individuals, because I always believed that civility and mutual respect between group members is our most important value, foundation. Without civilty nor mutual respect, there is no true possible sharing. Sorry for the unruffled feathers of those few super-dimensioned egos. I have a good final answer to their diffamations , as we say in French: The spit of the toads cant reach the flying white dove in the sky. Best wishes to everyone.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:25:20 +0000

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