Lately, Ive become quite thoughtful. Ive had a few people tell me - TopicsExpress


Lately, Ive become quite thoughtful. Ive had a few people tell me that I seem as though Im depressed, or that Im cynical, or even, as some people described it.....angry (I dont have a trace of anger in me). After awhile, you find that being a nice guy gets you nowhere but used, abused, taken advantage of, and left for dead in favor of something better. Ive simply realized that, and people are seeing the effects of it; my general apathy towards peoples problems, my lack of surprise when people fall on their faces and let me down, my unfiltered delivery to people on the root causes of their problems, and my unwillingness to offer assistance or put myself out there. A few rules Id like to share that keep me from getting hurt, burned, or screwed. 1.)Expect the worst in people, and dont be surprised when they show it. People who have a trace of conscience will actually be more hurt than you to know that your expectation of them was so low to begin with and that it comes as no surprise when they let you down. 2.)Never lend money. Youll likely never see it again, and the people holding their hands out will likely never learn their lesson from what put them in a financial bind in the first place. 3.)If you can get yourself into a scenario, then you better be damn sure you can get yourself out. Those who ask you for help will likely be MIA when it comes time to return the favor, and they have no interest in your problems. 4.)Evil and predation are inherent in everyone......just in differing magnitudes. 5.)Those who get the angriest when confronted with the truth and honesty are usually those most adept at evading their concept and use. 6.)Youre only as good as your short/near-term usefulness to most people. 7.)Most people want your sympathy. What they need is your empathy. 8.)Realize youre no better than the next person. Just because you understand somebodys antics or poor behavior, it doesnt put you above them. 9.)Plain and simple; some people just dont know any better, and have no interest in learning any better. 10.)Karma is not a chance to kick somebody when theyre down; its a chance to view consequences in action as a teaching tool for bettering yourself. 11.)Empty promises and negative opinions dont make your world go round. 12.)Trust is earned, and the universe doesnt grant second chances. Make people work themselves to death to earn your trust, and if they violate it,dont give them more. Dont hesitate to operate at arms length. 13.)Some people dont realize the power of their own poison. Dont be afraid to dose them in return so that they realize it. However, learn to pick your battles and your responses; sometimes, turning the other cheek IS the best poison. Finally, WORK and STRIVE for the best, but dont be afraid to prepare for the worst. Positivity and cynicism may be polar opposites, but they can share the same stage. Have a great day.......and be careful out there!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:50:54 +0000

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