Lately, Ive been doing some reading about miracles that happened - TopicsExpress


Lately, Ive been doing some reading about miracles that happened in the Bible. My study Bible has a list of the healing miracles that Jesus performed, whether they were healing miracles, raising the dead, or miracles that showed his power over nature. It seems to me that a few things happened when Jesus performed a miracle. First, Jesus asked some people not to tell anyone. But why? According to my study Bible, when Jesus told people not to speak about a miracle, it was because he was on his own schedule: he wanted to reveal to the world who he was on his timetable, not the worlds. He wanted to carry out his mission of dying and rising from the dead; he didnt need nor want to proclaim his right to be called messiah. However, some of the people that Jesus told not to say a word about his miracles did so anyway. Why? Why couldnt these people stay silent like he asked them to? Were they too excited? Did they feel the need to spread the good news, or were they just a bunch of blabbermouths? The Bible doesnt really specify...all I know is that these people were asked by Jesus to keep silent, but couldnt. The second thing that happened when Jesus performed a miracle is that people left without saying a word, or even saying thanks. Remember how, in Luke 17:11-19, Jesus healed the ten men with leprosy, only one of the men came back to thank Jesus and to praise him? He was a Samaritan, a foreigner. Jesus even asked where the other 9 men were, and why they didnt come back to give praise to God. Were those nine men ungrateful? Did they just want to get back to their normal lives again (before they contracted leprosy)? The Bible doesnt say. A third thing that happened is that, like that one leper, people gave thanks to Jesus for their healing. In Luke 18:35-43, we learn the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar. Once he heard that Jesus was passing by, Bartimaeus called out to Jesus, asking Jesus to have mercy on him. Jesus stopped, spoke to him, and asked Bartimaeus what he wanted. Lord, I want to see, Bartimaeus replied. Jesus answered, Receive your sight; your faith has healed you. The story of Bartimaeus miracle didnt end there...he gave praise to God and started following Jesus. The last part of verse 43 of Luke 18 tells us that When all the people saw it, they also praised God. Brothers and sisters, we all have received miracles in our own lives, but do we give thanks for those miracles? Better yet, do we tell others about those miracles? We no longer need to keep silent about our miracles. We need to not only praise God for our miracles, but we need to tell others about our miracles, too! The Lord has saved the life of our brother, Noah Johnson. And not only do we praise God for this miracle, we have been telling others about it as well. We are spreading the good news about Jesus and his healing power. We are telling others about how Jesus has performed miracles in our own lives. I do ask that you remember one important thing when it comes to miracles. In my opinion, not all miracles are as dramatic as saving a persons life. Some miracles may consist of restoring a broken relationship that was thought to be beyond repair. Other miracles may be finding enough money to pay a bill or to buy food, when you had previously thought it was hopeless. Miracles happen in our lives every single day. The time has come for us to quit being silent, and to start spreading the good news about our God and our miracles. Its never too late to tell exactly what he has done for us. Small miracle or large miracle, it doesnt matter...what does matter is that you spread the good news about it. Amen. ~John Lloyd~
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 11:23:41 +0000

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