Lately Ive been feeling to share a little secret... Wanting to - TopicsExpress


Lately Ive been feeling to share a little secret... Wanting to speak my truth so its out in the universe... Weird??? ...I know riiiiiiight! 😜 I can actually hear my sis and one friend in particular saying Oh god Emma - please stop talking now!! 😂 ha - cracker!! you guys- youre two of my favourite people on earth!! 😘😘 Annnyway.... Soz!! 😂 where was I ?? Oh yeah... My secret...😂😂😂 Ive been aware of my profound intuitive ability for a long time but Ive played it down because I havent wanted to come across as an airy fairy, tripped out hippy (yup I own that label.) The thing is -in the very depth of my heart and soul Ive wanted to be able to reach down-to-earth souls who are searching for something (AKA them selves/ their purpose/ their connection to source) and I havent wanted to freak anyone out...So Ive hidden a lot of my truth and absolutely played down my gift - you could say Ive unconsciously (and consciously) sabotaged my greatest gift - As we humans do!! 😉 The TRUTH is I feel energy in certain people, I feel their beautiful, unique purpose and exciting source potential and the flip side is I also feel their human energy blockages and whats holding them back. And to be completely honest -it frustrates the crap out of me at times to not be able to just come out and say what Im intuitively picking up... So sometimes Ill admit I get bloody impatient with my gift... ...cause on the inside Im feeling SO much and Im wanting to say to the person Im connecting with -If you could only fking feel what I can feel when I look into your soul - youd feel how fking beautiful you are and youd also see how youre fking it up for yourself!! Stop wasting your precious energy doing that - the world needs you in your FULL power energy, living your unique purpose damn it!!!! 😉 Were ALL human though huh... And as long as were in these human bodies we need real life tools to clear the unconscious blockages and create the good stuff in life! So its fine for me to use my gift and feel your potential and your blockages but unfortunately I cant do the work for you... Just like I cant wave a magic wand over my own stuff I still have to do the work here on earth too... (Like I am now - by speaking my truth.) Annnnnyway...what I really want to say is that when I feel a connection with a soul its for a reason ...and when I feel that someone will sit next to me in a tuk tuk in Cambodia or alongside me at an Avatar training its for a reason... Way, way deeper than the person Im talking to can imagine... Its coming from my heart and soul!!! ❤️ (naaaaw makes me feel teary thinking about the depth of connection and love I feel for human beings) The other day I cried with a friend (behind closed doors) because I was feeling a particular woman so strongly - I tuned in and could feel everything she is experiencing (she lives in another state and Id only just crossed her path! ) ... I would love to say to her this is the potential I feel in you and these are your blocks but I cant do the work for her. All I can do is offer tools - she needs to feel all her pain/grief/fear/etc for herself and then reach out for the tools IF and when her soul is ready... And you know what... Some people in their human form arent ready to step into their purpose/ creative potential and I have to chill the eff out and accept that... Its like Oh well...not in this lifetime- maybes well meet again in the next! Patience is my greatest challenge let me tell ya - especially when I am so passionate about human beings being able to feel their connection to source/ spirit/ the universe/ what evs Anyway bla bla bla ... in short if I reach out to you to connect in anyway... to smile, say hi, as a work mate, a house mate, as a friend, as a lover, for Cambodia, For Avatar ...Whatevs ... Please know my desire to connect is coming from the depth of my heart and soul...for some reason I have felt your creative potential/ life purpose/ source energy and were meant to share a journey together... Even if only very briefly in this human form!!! ...and IF, in this human form Im ever impatient... Its only because I can feel your stifled creative potential just bursting to be unleashed and shared with the world... Its because I want you to feel the same potential in yourself that I can feel in you!!! Ok weirdness over... Everyone return to normal now... No dont... Evaaaar!!!! ❤️ P.s/ I will also read this whilst looking at myself in the mirror now!!! whats stopping me? ...nothing now! 😉👍 Sending so much love to sooooo many.... Sonia Muraca, Sonia Matthews, Lou Tully, Annie Borg,Annabel Teate, Amanda Hendry, Amanda Emily Reed,Kirsty Lyons, Indo Pauly Alty, Tom Perkins, James Mchenery, Rebecca Wight-Moore, Andrew Borg, Glen Dunning, Daniela Rose Royston, Benny Minerds, Daniel Millowick Davies Keryn Proud Jo Jo Patrick TJ Tj Hunter Ros McHenery Meaghan Powell Alexandre Gendron Mandy G hhhh ccc
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 01:38:48 +0000

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