Later, that same day REUBEN WAS JUST FINISHING his bath when he - TopicsExpress


Later, that same day REUBEN WAS JUST FINISHING his bath when he heard a noise in the hallway. “Someone there?” He yelled. No answer. Reuben heard what sounded like females giggling. “Who is out there?” Again, no answer. Footsteps could be heard going down the hall away from the bathroom. “Enough,” Reuben yelled and stood up in the tub still covered in soap and dripping water. Grabbing for his towel he banged his knee on the edge of the tub and let the expletives fly off his tongue like a mad man. My girlfriend will kill me, he thought as he realized she would be home any moment. He had plans on a nice dinner for her as an attempt to make up for his mistake of being caught in a chatroom with a certain young lady discussing a delicate subject. Now if she found him naked and females running from the apartment his relationship with her would be over for sure. Fortunately, she was running late and a very nervous Reuben tied the still wet and soapy towel around his waist. “Gee, for some reason I am craving a hamburger and fries.” Reuben said out loud. Although he was hungry and more than a little confused, he focused on the night ahead. A nice meal a little music, candles…CANDLES. “I forgot the candles!” As Reuben toweled off still wondering who the females were and how they entered, he thought how lucky he had been throughout his life. He was still in good health, had a decent job as a chef in a local restaurant and a pretty girlfriend. But being human and a man, he had urges that got him into trouble. Before the internet he would always enjoy looking at other females but never approached them. Chat rooms gave Reuben confidence and let him have his fantasies without hurting his personal life, or so he thought. One evening he was so focused on his conversation with “Chantillylace” he didn’t notice his girlfriend looking over his shoulder. What a stupid mistake to make. She was furious and much more important, hurt. He had never seen such a look of rejection on her face as he had seen that night. What had he done? And could it be fixed? He made so many promises in his life and he always found a way to mess them up but none was as important as this promise. The promise he would NEVER talk to a woman online ever again! Now, he had to solve the mystery of the females in his apartment. Who were they, how did they get in, what in the world were they looking for and how he could keep it from her. “I need to go out for candles” he mumbled to himself. I wonder what scent I should try. He strained think straight for worrying about his strange visitors. he became a little paranoid for a moment and wondered if Alana, his girlfriend, set it up to see if the subject would come up at dinner. “Oh man, this is getting too intense for me” he said looking into the bathroom mirror. He truly did not know what to do. Should he tell Alana, take the chance and hope she would believe his innocence, or keep quiet and hope for the best? Wondering what to do he finished shaving and left the bathroom. Reuben opened his dresser drawer and pulled out his favorite pair of jeans and a tee shirt. He left the apartment and walked a short distance down Main Street to a candle shop. He was warmly greeted by the owner who had just finished waiting on two females, he guessed in thier late fifties. He did not recognize them but there was something about them that was familiar. Again he had a craving for hamburger and fries. He did not want to ruin his appetite for the dinner he planned so he went back to the task of picking out candles. “Vanilla is a nice scent” the owner said. “It is very calming.” He agreed and chose two candles.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 13:25:03 +0000

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